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And it goes on

I died but I kept on living
To prevent others from suffering my fate.
The chore of living broke my resolve
I bear witness to my mistakes repeated
By those I swore to help.
Lambs to the slaughter
All I can do it watch
For I died but kept on living.
Life without spirit
Is nothing more than death without an end.
Coffins never closed
Bodies never decomposed
Zombies all around
On some grand purposeless walk-about.
From point a to b and back again
Always feeling the same thing.
No spark, no variety, no fire.
Passion gone
Buried with the deceased
Even though he still breathes.

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The morning thus far

Woke at 4am to walk the dog. Woke at 6:05am to wake the children. Over breakfast, dreamed of DIY and teaching my children all the things that I haven’t. Spent yesterday realizing that a half a decade has gone by send I taught my children Diamoku but never went beyond that. I want to teach them mindfulness. I have dozens of posts I want to blog. I want to revamp my blog to show all my content feeds. I want to refine my content feeds and get video casting and podcasting on a schedule with topics and introduce Amy and Evan to podcasting. Went to the elementary school to get a picture of the color guard doing the flags. Helped them but forgot to get the picture. Did a little programming on a client website. I downloaded Duolingo to my cellphone and began a Spanish lesson but realized I shouldn’t be doing that while driving. Committed myself mentally to completing my HAM radio license. Began listening to the latest episode of A Buddhist Podcast.

A great start to the day!