Shoulder blade still hurts.
New cell phone time!
Now trying to decide between the Motorola v400, Nokia 3595 and Nokia 3200. Open to other options but I’m sticking with Cingular so it has to be a phone that works with them.
Very tense evening between wife and I.
Very tense evening between wife and I.
Comments solicited
Seeking recommendations on memory supplements. Please post your suggestions in comments.
Today’s Fun Link
Afternoon whirlwind. Business lead phone call then…
Afternoon whirlwind. Business lead phone call then Had a late lunch with the father-in-law. Then got my sunglasses repaired. Then spent the afternoon talking tech with the Cingular sales force. Drove home as the tail car in a funeral procession. Took several miles for me to realize why everyone in the oncoming traffic was pulled to the side of the road!
My wife feels that everything I do toward the 13 y…
My wife feels that everything I do toward the 13 yr old is mean, aggressive, attacking or down right wrong. I no longer feel that I can instruct or discipline the boy without upsetting the wife and that I must majorly backoff.
I admit that I have become ill tempered and short of patience with the 13 yr old but I am conscious of this and am working to be more forgiving, relaxed, fun and friendly with him but its not something you turn on like a light switch. I didn’t become impatient with him overnight.
Wahoo! Progress. Only took a week but I sent off a…
Wahoo! Progress. Only took a week but I sent off a coverletter and resume to a company that looks promising. They wear suits, but they look promising.
Ah! Resume and coverletter properly revised for submission to another company. Cross thy fingers.
Old People in my house!
My wife and I independently sported hippie wear today wife choosing a rainbow colored “peace now” tie dye and myself a blueish calming tie dye with an enchanting face in the moon on it.
Brain foggy.
Brain foggy.
Incorrect CSS!
The old css looked like this:
.boxborder{padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;border:1px 1px 1px 1px solid black;}
To correct the problem and make the borders visible in mozilla, the new css should look like this:
.boxborder{padding:5px 5px 5px 5px;border:1px solid #000;}
If this is new to you, you can add the class to the <style> section of your blogger template then when you want a box around some text simply put the following into your post:
<div class="boxborder"> This text will have a box around it. </div>
When I quote a news article or person, I use another class I’ve added called “quote.” It looks like this:
.quote{font-size:90%;font-style:normal;margin:auto;padding-left:10px; padding-right:10px;letter-spacing:.08em;}
To use it type the following:
<div class="quote"> Text to be indented for quoting. </div>
Note that in the class definition a period preceeds the name but in the usage the period is excluded. So in your div you would used class=”quote” rather than class=”.quote”.
Comedians and the election
Juggler’s addition: “GW’s national guard records are full of holes. Kind of like his claims that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction!”
See more quotes
Fight! Fight!
Immature 13 yr old vs crabby prepubescent 10 yr old
Purchase your tickets here: Cat Fight
My baby is adorable. She woke talkative and happy….
My baby is adorable. She woke talkative and happy. I gave her some milk, she hands me her pacifier, and then I sit on the floor. She climbs in my lap with a book and I read it to her once. On the 2nd read she flips the pages. Sometimes I read first, then she reads 2nd choosing what to say and when to flip the pages and whether or not the book is upside down because sometimes it looks better with the pictures the other way. After reading I get her some cereal (I was going to cook eggs but we are out of milk) and she puts down her milk, not just dropping it, but standing correctly on the floor. This is a quick motion and she then grabs for the bowl of cereal. Without spilling it she makes her way to her Little Tykes Climber (not quite the same as the one in this link. Her’s stands to my shoulders and is triangular. She loves to hide in it. It is her “safe place.”) gently puts the cereal bowl on top. Climbs the ladder. I give the milk to her. And she happily eats away.