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I’ve got a golden ticket…I’ve got a golden…

So, as I understand it, there are roughly 15,000 people waiting to get into Seesmic. I think there are 3-4000 people on the system right now. Seesmic is a pre-alpha web application that is addictive as all get out! Pre-alpha means we are the test data and should not expect the system to work great; things will be broken! For someone who has not experienced Seesmic, the first description is often "Twitter, with video" but it is so much more! So, do you want to be in The Conversation?

I was sitting on a Seesmic invite because my schedule was so busy and I wanted to do something terribly creative to give it out. You know.. a contest or something. I originally thought I’d give it to a friend or family member but frankly I couldn’t figure out who the video junkies are.

I’ll put it out here. How should I decide who gets this Seesmic invite?

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Working for yourself – no such thing as 8 to 5

I like to talk about the greener grass. Every now and then I see how much greener the grass is over at Corporate World. Now is not one of those times. I’m enjoying working for myself very much right now. Of course, it is not without its stresses. Last night my workday ended around 11:30pm (and that’s only because my eyes wouldn’t stay open and my forehead proved inept at hitting the correct keys on the keyboard). I arose at 3:00am and got right back into coding. Freelancing means doing anything to get the job done! Now, that’s not to say the corporate world is dissimilar. I’m no foreigner to sleeping under a desk in a cubicle. Which I guess brings me back around to that greener grass. When corporate folk start thinking, "I should quit and go work for myself because …" and when freelancers start thinking, "I need to go back to the corporate world because…", they both really need to remember that each path has its perks and drawbacks. Just pick and stick to it.

Time to get back to my other job…herding children toward the bus stop.