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Dad of the year nomination revoked

Bad Dad sent the kindergartener to school today with nothing but Scooby snacks for lunch.

Update: Yesterday Amy came home and admonished me, "You forgot to send me lunch. All I had was Scooby snacks. I was starving!" And man was she ever put out. She was whimpery and whining and crying. She went into the kitchen and fixed herself a feast of a sandwich, fruit, apple sauce, and cookies. Then she laid in bed and boohoo’d that we never feed her. She gave it the royal treatment! Around dinner we talked about things she could do if it ever happened again including talking to the teacher, the cafeteria volunteers, or the cashier at which point she cheerfully responded, "I did! I had mashed potatoes and … and … and … and strawberry milk and … The IOU is in my lunchbox." Boy does she know how to milk guilt!

Today she was sent with more food than she will eat.

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Do not legislate morals to me

Dear Sen. Doug Jackson, Please quit wasting time and money trying to legislate morals. Allowing people the free will to turn off their televisions is far cheaper and more in line with the basic principles of freedom on which this nation prides itself. These commercials are shown late at night when children should be in bed. Our legislature should be far more concerned with important issues such as education and health care. Please keep your eye on the ball!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — A proposal that would ban late-night TV ads showing half-naked young women is stalling its second time through the Legislature.

The legislation sponsored by Sen. Doug Jackson, D-Dickson, would fine cable and satellite companies up to $50,000 for airing ads for obscene products. [Source, Michael Silence, Knoxnews No Silence Here]

What is obscene? Much of Europe finds America’s prudishness laughable.

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We’ve lost our motivation

The bus was a very exciting part of school for Amy. As a kindergartener I never expected her to ride the bus but it was such a big deal to her that the first time we missed it she had alligator tears. Now she has grown indifferent. She has friends in the carpool lobby as well as the bus lobby. We miss the bus primarily because I choose to sleep "just another 15 minutes." I think perhaps it is time to start waking everyone 30 minutes earlier.

Our children grow so fast. The conversations. The logic. The sentence structures. The choices made. I am awed that she is only 5! I love watching the children grow!