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Brittons (but not efnet’s Jonooka) Ask Americans Not To Litter

“I’m trapped on an island in the Atlantic.” “What? Your island doesn’t have a waste bin?”

“I recently found your bottle while taking a scenic walk on the beach by Poole Harbour. While you may consider this some profound experiment on the path and speed” of “oceanic currents, I have another name for it, litter.

“You Americans don’t seem to be happy unless you are mucking about somewhere,” says the letter


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Today we think

Today, as you raise your hand to the driver that just cut you off, think
Choose to raise that middle finger, or give a friendly wave

Today, when the children learn that a whole roll of toilet paper won’t flush, think
Yell at them, or give them a hug and tell them it is ok to make mistakes

Today, when you miss the deadline again, think
Self-flaggelate to no end, or focus and get it done

Today, when your loved one snaps at you in stress, think
Sulk away and be hurt, or smile and give a hug

Today, think
Because sometimes tomorrow never comes.

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Good clean fun

The girls at one of the lads will listen to your commands at The Carwash. This has an element of Zork along with an element of Playboy. Work questionable. And here is a list of commands (these words might offend) for when you get bored trying your own.

YIKES! Pasted that list without reading it!

I tried a couple of words and saw nothing any less tasteful than a trip to your local Hooters but viewer beware! “Herbie” was funny btw.

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The Irony in America

We all know that if you need money and go to a bank that you’ll be laughted away. That’s why the working poor can’t get consolidation loans or emergency loans during tough times. Only people with money can get money which isn’t right.

The same thing applies to health care. Poor people can’t get dental care. Poor people can’t get medications when needed. Let’s say a poor person was feeling down because their situation had grown worse and they were concerned that they may not be able to feed their family. They get depressed which affects their job performance and they bring home less money making it more difficult to feed the family. Now, perhaps Prozac or Zoloft or something would help. But the poor person doesn’t have insurance and has to choose between going to the doctor and feeding the family. Of course, then there is the huge outlay of cash for the drugs.

So while the weathly can get Vicodin for “headaches” and recreation, the poor can’t get necessary medicines. I don’t know the fix but something needs to change.

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The Fog

The game of life is hard to play
I’m going to lose it anyway
The losing card I’ll someday lay
So this is all I have to say

The only way to win is cheat
And lay it down before I’m beat
And to another give a seat
For that’s the only painless feat