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Dreamers that dream, dreamers that do – Move over Stephen R Covey!

Move over Stephen R Covey and David Allen! Ze Frank sums it up for us in his show on Brain Crack. After watching this show, my introduction to Ze Frank, I became very aware that I am addicted to Brain Crack.

Standard Ze Frank warning! Ze Frank borrows dialog from George Carlin‘s dictionary. The beginning of this movie is fairly safe but ends in a song staring words that begin in the letter F with a guest appearance by a word beginning with the letter A.

the show with zefrank

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I was warned…Ze Frank is coming!

First there was Amanda Congdon at Rocketboom. When she parted company with RB, I pondered, "could a guy pull off what a female host can?" Several weeks ago an online friend gave me an electronic nudge and said, "Yes!" Ze Frank is undeniably the next video blogging hit. Of course, there still is Ask a Ninja but he’s… know…a cubby ninja. Be warned Ze Frank uses language that many of us pretend we don’t hear daily.