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Today we think

Today, as you raise your hand to the driver that just cut you off, think
Choose to raise that middle finger, or give a friendly wave

Today, when the children learn that a whole roll of toilet paper won’t flush, think
Yell at them, or give them a hug and tell them it is ok to make mistakes

Today, when you miss the deadline again, think
Self-flaggelate to no end, or focus and get it done

Today, when your loved one snaps at you in stress, think
Sulk away and be hurt, or smile and give a hug

Today, think
Because sometimes tomorrow never comes.

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Car woes

The car has a problem that requires a $66 part…and $400 in labor because FORD designs their cars so that the common person can’t possibly work on them! In this case, the whole dash board needs to be removed so that a heater core can be replaced.

At least I don’t have to generate my own power for my computers.

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Shape your reading material

Dean and Jeni have asked for reader input on their blog. I’ve toyed with this thought myself. “What do you like? dislike? Want to see more of? less of? etc.” I always stop myself because I assume if you are reading this post then you come because you either like the style or the content as is. I have several things I want to do but cannot because time and money haven’t permited. But fear not! I’m certain that I will knock Dooce off her throne and become the envy of all daddy bloggers! The wealth from the sponsorships pouring in will allow me to staff some writers and research assistants and get us the endless pot of coffee that we have forever sought!

Special thanks to each of the 4 of you who read this.