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Lull Them to Sleep

Evan’s crib lives in our bedroom. It has a nook. So that Cathy and I could watch television we would leave it on when Evan was put in the crib for the night. This way he wouldn’t go from a total black, quiet room to a bright, noisy lighted room. When I noticed him watching the television after I would put him in the crib, and I noted that the programs were sometimes violent, or Ophraish, or foul mouthed comedians, I started to question my parenting.

Having Comcast’s digital cable, I started setting the television to classical music. Of course, Cathy will put the music on the 70s channel when she puts Evan down for naps or sleep. Between the two of us, he’s now being flooded with music that encourages big hair, high libido, and a serious coke habit (have you ever actually watched Fantasia?).

It didn’t occur to me that we had ingrained a ritual into the poor boy’s head until the cable went out today. Evan went down for a nap and complained that the tv was "broke" and demanded his music. What? Use a boom box or radio?! Pshaw!

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The rest of the world is getting into the office about now. I’ve already been through a 3 page Word document of bug fixes. Already this morning, which began at 4:30am, I have coded enough that my head is buzzing. Yes, like a runner’s high, a programmer can get into such a zone that all else disappears. That’s one reason asking a programmer a question can be terribly detrimental. The mental exercise can be strenuous and leave your head throbbing. Anyone that doesn’t like calling the brain a muscle (and no its not a muscle) has never really had to think hard. Your brain can ache after some serious mental hurdles! I need a rest but cannot break the momentum.

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Ridiculously Hard Day Ahead

Today is one of those days where I could really use 4 other people working with me. Oh man, more and more I think I am ready to bring a team together again. Today is terribly important. All the pieces MUST come together just right. One little screwup and my house of cards is going to come crashing down!