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The Other Lost

The Reign of Ellen has great LOST reviews. Today she posted one word and received 17 comments! Comment #16 MUST be read! The anonymous poster did an incredible job. I’ll quote an exerpt which has SPOILERS from last night’s show:

[First she points out the name and city of the captive is an anagram (just like Ethan’s was):] HENRY GALE MINNESOTA = SEE AN OTHER MAN LYING

[then there is the connection to the balloon:] He’s so full of hot air.

[regarding the description of the balloon:] He was describing the dimensions of Steve Fossett’s balloon, Spirit of Freedom, which Fossett used to make his round-the-world solo flight, starting and ending in Australia.

Spirit of Freedom was sponsored by Bud Light. Budweiser’s mascot is
… a frog.

[Henry’s dead wife went to the U. of Minnesota:] The U. of Minnesota is in Minneapolis, a TWIN city. The school’s teams are called the Golden Gophers. Henry is a go-fer for The Others.

Let me throw in a couple of other tidbits. Henry Gale was Dorothy’s Uncle in The Wizard of Oz. The Wizard escaped in a hot air ballon. Oz is the nickname for Australia.

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Lost in Weirdness

For today’s LOST commentary, I bow to Weird Al (slooooow load but well worth it! Did I meantion that this is a slow load?). The man should be knighted!

On a side note, a gross number of people seem to be misunderstanding the noise as the countdown clock hit zero. Michael, the island’s resident engineer and awol mad father, was inspecting some large, thick steel things in the ceiling that appeared to be “blast doors” so the noises would be the safety latches releasing in preparation to drop the blast doors and lock everyone inside.

My wife, in her wisdom, has pointed out that at least 4 of the islanders were involved in (or related to) a car wreck. Jack’s wife, Shannon’s dad, Locke, Michael and potentially Kate. Was this all the same accident?

As for the frog incident, I believe Sawyer was simply letting Hugo know, despite Hurley’s attempt to walk away, Sawyer was still in control.

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Woot Woot Woot!

For you woot fans that are often dejected that the good stuff sold out at 1:32am, Woot is having a Woot Off!

In Woot-Off mode, a new product is launched immediately after the sellout of the previous deal. There is a half-Woot-life of 12 hours maximum on any product within a Woot-Off that does not sell out. The number of Woot-Off items, sequence, and quantity will not be announced.