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Pet Projects

Every developer needs a pet project. In a decade of writing code for other people I have had some fantastic ideas and even a couple of false starts but never truly had a pet project. My excuse has always been that I was waiting for a lull between projects to be able to write my own but there is no such thing. Either you jump from one project to another or from a project to marketing for another project. I’ve decided that I will steal away 15-30 minutes a day, no more, to work on my own pet project. For the project, I have chosen The Perfect Job. This evening I will take 15-30 minutes and simply decide between custom coding all functionality of the site versus incorporating it into a CMS such as WordPress, Joomla, Django, or Drupal. As I work through the build out of The Perfect Job, I will blog each 15-30 minute session here.

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Bureaucracy R.I.P.

An easy mistake as a freelancer is to get behind on paperwork. Maybe that paperwork is balancing your checkbook or sending invoices or mundane like writing up postmortems for projects and filing the supporting documentation or something more evil like IRS filings. Whatever it is, I’m caught up on all of mine!

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April 1st – the most worthless day on the Internet

How’s the saying go? "Believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see" or did I get that backwards. The point is some inanely hugh amount of information on the Internet is inaccurate. I’ve always said 90%. This is why you should always confirm your sources! On April 1st I just assume 100% of the information is wrong. Of course, whose April 1st are we talking about? Darren Rouse of Problogger fame lives in Austrailia so for many people last year his April Fool’s Day joke came in on March 31st making people believe it was real. My first 30 seconds of looking at the Internet today:

TechCrunch beat me to the roundup. That said, Internet, I’m turning you off today. Even Redditers hate April 1st.

Update: When did April Fool’s Day begin?