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Category: Of Interest
Those miscellaneous things that just must be published.
Dogwood Parade
Nothing to see here – go outside
Watch this video and then you’ll have no reason to look at anything else on the Internet for at least 24 hours. So yYou are free to go outside and enjoy this beautiful Earth Day! I’m going to get back to work.
Update: That video quit being amusing the second the person was revealed as a registered sex offender.
Great Earth Day
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Save $20billion per year
Stephen Hawking Very Ill
The 67-year-old physicist, who is the Lucasian professor of mathematics at the university, was undergoing tests at Addenbrooke’s hospital, Cambridge, after being taken there by ambulance today. He has been fighting a chest infection for several weeks. [Source, Guardian, Stephen Hawking ‘very ill’ in hospital]
Audio for this post generated by AT&T Labs Text-to-Speech(TTS) Demo software.
Update: Looks like Stephen Hawking is going to recover from the chest infection!
Celebrate Earthday
Time for new boots
Grub Master
I was in front of my computer roughly 17 hours yesterday. Most of that was actually typing code. I am a Assistant Scout Master for my son’s Boy Scout troop although lately I have passed on meetings and activities in lieu of working. I skipped Monday’s meeting only to find out my son volunteered to be the grub master for this weekend’s trip. The way our troop works is one scout buys all the food for his patrol and is reimbursed. The idea is that the patrol plans the meal then the scout works with an adult to calculate portions and costs and buy the appropriate supplies. It is a good activity for developing their planning skills. The grub master should check the food pantry in the scout room for existing supplies (which I’m certain my son did not do). Unfortunately my son did not check with my secretary to see if I had one iota of spare time for this activity. Since their trip begins at the church at 5:45 today, Noah gets home from school with little time between school and the church, and Cathy will be doing her weekly trip to the Kentucky border this afternoon, I find myself faced with taking my lunch hour now to do Noah’s shopping for him. I should add that I don’t even get to go on this trip! (I very badly need a camping trip) This weekend they get to go to a fishing camp, clean and debone their food, cook it, and choose to eat powerbars instead.
How have I lived this long without one!
I want a Rodenator Pro! My life has been deprived…or perhaps I’m depraved.
Are you daring to challenge djuggler?
Meet me in My Brute arena and become my student! (Don’t worrry. All you do is type in your name. The battles are automated so this isn’t one of those productivity sinks.)
Moment of Old
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