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Well there you have it. I’m a freaking genius!

intelligence has been linked to unconventional sexual practices and frequent sexual activity, thoughts and fantasies.[57]

[Source, Wikipedia, Intelligence]

Here’s footnote 57 citing the original source:

Thompson, Mark (1). “3”. Who Should You Have Sex With. Sourcebooks Casablanca. p. 78. ISBN 978-1402242045. "In my studies, men and women who described themselves as smart, intelligent, logical and imaginative reported thinking about sex more often, fantasizing about sex, and having sex more often than people who did not see themselves as smart or intellectual. They also usually had a wider scope of sexual experiences, including experience with role-playing and other Kinky activities."

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GW says Jeb should run in 2016

In an interview aired Wednesday with ABC News, the former president says his brother would be, in his words, a "marvelous candidate."

[Source, The Huffington Post, George W. Bush: Jeb Bush Should ‘Run’ In 2016 (VIDEO)]

Hell no! The only bush I want to see in the White House better have tits.

Oh thank you Barbara! She doesn’t want Jeb to run.

"There are other people out there that are very qualified and we’ve had enough Bushes," former first lady Barbara Bush told NBC’s "Today"

[Source, The Washington Post, Barbara Bush: Jeb shouldn’t run for president]

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Durex has brought us the future!

My favorite condom company, Durex, is bringing us the future! There’s not a geek that since the time of 300 baud dial up and ascii port who has not imagined the possibly of combining a serial port and sex toys for long distance love. Durex has created Fundawear, a combination of vibrating underwear and iPhones for what Durex deems the ultimate in foreplay.

Frankly, Durex’s vision of touch over the Internet looks pretty fun. Looks targeted toward couples but the potential seems enormous for masturbation or enhancing the experience with those paid Internet porn cam sites. Imagine a single person on Chaturbate wearing these! I can see a new iPhone app now. "RandomVibe" with choices such as "Use BlueTooth to touch a stranger within 30 feet" making subway rides exciting or "Wifi a stranger on your network" making office romance safer or "Randomly touch someone on the Internet" for Worldgasms. Ah! What about one app that allowed you to touch multiple people for "the virtual orgy!" If the generation of free love thought the sex partiers of the 80s and 90s were strange and those generations found themselves envious of the past decade and a half or so of shrinking clothing, lycra, rainbow parties, and oral and anal are okay because I still have my virginity and can keep wearing my ring, their minds will melt with the potential for the next two generations of virtual, supersafe, sex.

Of course, it feels like I’ve seen this before:

See also: Gizmodo and h/t to Angel Stewart.

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Big Orange Blasphemy

#14 Stephanie Psick - LA TemptationMy father watched football regularly. Recliner, beer, game, don’t interrupt Dad. We lived in New Orleans in 1981 for Super Bowl XV and I rooted for Philadelphia and proudly hung my Eagles pennant on my wall. I played shirts and no-shirts tackle football, albeit poorly, with friends in a field of snow in New Jersey once or twice but never played in leagues or school. Football just wasn’t my game.

I came to Knoxville, TN for college and the football spirit sucked me in. Despite the University of Tennessee’s losing team, the fandom was incredible. With a stadium seating over 100,000 people and always packed on game day, it is difficult to not get sucked into the excitement via the crowd mob mentality. I still didn’t understand the game and was mostly there to cheer with the pigskin made it over the goal line. My fandom has waned. I don’t participate in the superstitions and don’t watch the games. But I do get a text message with the final score and am always slightly disappointed when UT loses.

Is it possible to get someone like me interested in football? Apparently so! Welcome, the Lingerie League!

Gang Tackle

And now every guy who reads this immediately heads over to Bing image search for "lingerie league wardrobe malfunction."

Images by KellBailey. See also.

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Do you want your antidepressant orally or vaginally?

The results are in!

Women Who Have Unprotected Sex Are Happier, Smarter Thanks to Mood-Elevating Properties of Semen

Semen is known to contain such "mood-altering chemicals" as estrone and oxytocin, which elevate mood; cortisol, which promotes affection; serotonin, which acts as an antidepressant; and melatonin, which induces sleep.

[Source, Gawker]

And here’s the icing on the face:

Gallup and Burch also determined that women with a significant amount of "seminal plasma" in their system have improved concentration, and excel over their semen-deficient counterparts in performing cognitive tasks.

[Source, Gawker]

So, there you have it. Semen is ‘good for women’s health and helps fight depression.’ [Source:]

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Don’t ruin it for everybody

Dear parents, rather than trying to force your ideals upon my children, please allow them to read the assigned reading and be challenged by the concepts and the language within the writing. These books, Feed and Robopocalypse, were chosen for a reason, not by random choice. If you do not want your child to read the book, let your child read the alternative reading but leave my child alone. I believe these high school students, these young adults, can handle it.

See more at Hardin Valley STEM reading assignment stirs up controversy.

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Out of Balance

Out of Balance

A Harvard business prof and a behavioral economist recently asked more than 5,000 Americans how they thought wealth is distributed in the United States. Most thought that it’s more balanced than it actually is. Asked to choose their ideal distribution of wealth, 92% picked one that was even more equitable.







Source: Michael L. Norton, Harvard Business School; Dan Ariely, Duke University

And for the REAL image, look on page 11 of Michael I. Norton and Dan Ariely’s report (the online version is here:

What is this?

Today, a manipulated image of this data is spreading like wildfire through the Internetz particularly over Facebook. The source of the image can be found at but has been altered to show a baby peeing on a man and a a kitten commenting that "tickle down" doesn’t work. The original image is within a PDF and JPG so I’ve decided to put it here in plain text. Rather than looking at Norton and Ariely’s findings (online version), I guessed at the numbers but they look pretty close to the actual image. It makes the point.

If you are going to share this image today, please share from the PDF from MotherJones or the JPG from MotherJones instead of passing around the one with the cat.

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Happy Independence Day!

American FlagToday is July 4th. In the United States, this day commemorates the adoption of the Declaration of Independence which declared America’s independence from Great Britain. Today is supposed to be a patriotic holiday celebrating our country. People will celebrate by taking to the lakes for boating and swimming, and having cookouts and family gatherings.

As I ponder the meaning of this day, my thoughts drift to SOPA, ACTA, and CISPA, to AT&T and Comcast, to our youth who seem to be the most fearful generation, to our politicians who seem to have forgotten their role is to represent the people, and to the corporations who have usurped power from the people. Each of these threaten our liberties as we know them. September 11, 2001 terrorists attacked this country. Terrorism is a violent means to bring about change. We said we would not allow the terrorist to change us but they won. I have not known independence like I grew up with since September 11, 2001. Now, instead of being confident in our individual independence and freedoms allotted to the people, I feel we struggle each day to maintain those certain unalienable Rights referenced in the Declaration of Independence. And although I am at political odds with the Tea Party and the GOP, as I re-read the Declaration of Independence, I wonder if our government has not lost its way.

when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism

[Source,, The Declaration of Independence: A Transcription]

This brings to mind the Bush tax cuts, the corporate hold on Congress, and the one percenters. As the middle class is beat down, more power falls into few hands and we move more toward a Despotic nation. I feel my voice falls on deaf ears when I communicate with my elected officials. Wwhen your voice is not heard, and votes in legislation fall contrary to what the resounding public appear to favor, how can one feel the words of the Declaration of Independence reflect today’s society?

Today is a patriotic day. It is a day to be celebrated. It should also be a day of reflection. Re-read (or read for the first time), the Declaration of Independence. It won’t take long to read. Read it and reflect upon your life and your government. (And if you don’t want to do that, here are some pictures of women in American flag swimsuits.)

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200+ page bill, 15 minutes to review, finally a politician speaks for his people

This is what happens when you give someone a 200+ page legal document and 15 minutes to make a yes or no decision on that document. More of our representatives need to stand up like this. It would have been nice if the vacuous husks around him, aside for the one lady, had shown any sign that his message was being heard.