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Seesmic Exploded Tonight

Seesmic got demo’d at DEMO tonight. The timeline was speeding by! The Seesmic team also slipped in some fantastic new features. I also noticed the new release no longer burdens my machine. The previous version would force me to reboot after about 15 minutes because the antique computer I have just couldn’t handle it.

Want to read more? David Howlett has posted Seesmic’s next steps. Want to participate? I still have a few invites.

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Break the mental dam

I’m stuck. You know. Bouncing between Twitter and checking Reality Me for comments and email and generally not getting over the programming hurdle that has me in gridlock. So I’ve turned off the distractions but the mind races. It thinks of that overdue post about this past Thursday’s parent night at the high school. It thinks about the phone calls which need to be made to the NRA, Les Jones, and lawyers etc. It thinks about the squirrel trap in the attic. It thinks about anything but what it needs to be doing? How to calm the mind and get focused on work? Simple! Step away from the keyboard. Juggle or clean something. Do something drastically different from the task at hand so that in 5 minutes the task at hand seems fresh and new!

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State of Me

Cold. Needed a haircut before Christmas. Now I really need a haircut. Focused on tying up some loose ends on some old projects so that I can move forward with some new projects. Dreading next month’s electric bill. Am feeling pretty sane and balanced between work, personal life/children, and community/volunteer activities.