How has 2019 begun? I awoke at 4am ready to tackle the day but convinced myself to rest some more. So, at 10am I roll out of bed. This is not a good sign.
Author: Doug McCaughan
To overshare or to fall off the grid?
Great success or enormous failure?
One way or another, this year is going to be vastly different than years past.
Deep Thoughts
Nothing is so lonely as being an adult.
Doug’s Mantras
Quit using gutteral noises as a form of language.
Robinhood Adds Checking and Savings
Deep Thoughts
It is difficult to accomplish anything while your mind is trying to accomplish everything. –DM
True nobility is being superior to your former self
There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow man; true nobility is being superior to your former self.
Ernest Hemingway(not Hemingway)
My weekend?
Decided on a trip to the VA Creeper. Planned a scout meeting. Flooded a house. Cleaned a house. Flooded it again. Programmed. Replaced two shutoff valves with ball valves. Continued my pursuit to learn how to grow food inside. Documented issues for a client. Hung out with a dozen, half-naked cool people. Played with fire. Knocked holes in the drywall. Gutted a fandangled washing machine. Visited Home Depot 3 times and Lowe’s once. Made my first ever Aldi purchase. Dwelt with some personal politics. Read a book with my son. Programmed some more. Killed a hornets’ nest. Balanced books. Created invoices. And cooked meals for a week.
Tears of a Parent aka Oh How I Cry
My children may never know
How many tears I shed for them
Tears of joy for their successes
Tears of sadness when they are down
Tears of regret for my mistakes
Tears of anguish at my shortcomings
Tears of frustration for lack of time
Tears of angst for their future
Tears of confusion when they do not listen
Tears of acknowledgment that they walk their own path
Tears of befuddlement for making the simple hard
Tears of acceptance for innocence lost
Tears of pride for the compliments they receive
Tears of satisfaction when they smile at their achievements
Tears of ecstasy seeing them grow into independent adults
Weekend update
A productive weekend was had. I slipped in some home improvement. The weather was beautiful. I really wanted to clean out the garage and repair the garage door but that wasn’t in the picture. Too much client work to be had. And I did get a lot of client work done but so much more remains. I wish I could have a few more days in this weekend. I am tired but need to go at it for a few more hours.
There’s a Doug none of you know.
I think I miss being angry.
Is the fight right
Time is fleeting
In the metaphoric stream of life
Do we fight the current
Or go with the flow
You can push upstream
Or float down
Which way do you go
Depends upon your life goal
Is it the source
Which forces fight to deny You
Or is it the delta
You struggle to steer
So focused on the destination
We fail to see others in the stream
Sharing the same dream
Or are we all lemmings
Walking a path because we are told
At the beginning or perhaps end
Of life’s stream is the goal
The wise will take pause
And stand immobile
To be in the current
Current in the moment
And observe
The shores
The rocks
The fish
The trees
The others
Before we are too old.
Deep thoughts
I could do with more life in my time.
Hot Yoga
And then when you finally gain the courage to wear appropriate spandex attire for your yoga class, a co-worker shows up.