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Dreamers that dream, dreamers that do – Move over Stephen R Covey!

Move over Stephen R Covey and David Allen! Ze Frank sums it up for us in his show on Brain Crack. After watching this show, my introduction to Ze Frank, I became very aware that I am addicted to Brain Crack.

Standard Ze Frank warning! Ze Frank borrows dialog from George Carlin‘s dictionary. The beginning of this movie is fairly safe but ends in a song staring words that begin in the letter F with a guest appearance by a word beginning with the letter A.

the show with zefrank

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Another reason to love Firefox

So I described a day in our lives. A highlight of Friday’s funnies was a sudden and dramatic power outage. I would say we had lightning very near the house. We lost the upstairs cable box (try living without your digital guide a couple of days! How 90s! How did we ever live before?) and my Linux server was scrambled (after reseting the cmos and some integrity checks, it lives again).

What does this have to do with Firefox? I had been on BusyMom’s site typing a long comment and was moving my mouse to press the post button when the power went out. When I restored all the machines my window came up with all my typing still in the form field. I believe I have SessionSaver .2 to thank for this!

I can’t wait to start making this house more self-sufficient regarding power.

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I need sponsors!

Blogathon food

I am turning on the heat. We have this week ONLY to find sponsors for Blogathon 2006! I have joined forces with Barry, Jay, and Cathy to help raise a contribution to Farm Aid by blogging every thirty minutes starting at 9am EST on this Saturday July 29 and continuing for 24 hours.

The mission of Farm Aid is to keep family farmers on their land. Family farmers are our only guarantee for fresh, local food. Our goal is to bring together family farmers and citizens to restore family farm-centered agriculture. Family farmers ensure safe, healthful food, protect natural resources, and strengthen local economies. [Source]

I once thought Farm Aid was just something Willie, Neil, John, and others sang songs about after Band Aid sales went down. I have since learned about Farm Aid and corporate farming. I feel the family farm is important to our culture, the quality of our food, and local economics. I believe in Farm Aid’s mission and ask that you support me during Blogathon 2006 with a donation to our cause.

blogathon banner

Thank you Michael Silence for the announcement!