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I can’t afford my wife

I knew she valuable and, I love her dearly, but this is just out of budget!

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A full-time stay-at-home mother would earn $134,121 a year if paid for all her work, an amount similar to a top U.S. ad executive, a marketing director or a judge, according to a study released Wednesday.

Now, conceivably you would think we could save money by having her work outside the home but noooooo!

A mother who works outside the home would earn an extra $85,876 annually on top of her actual wages for the work she does at home, according to the study by Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts

Mom’s can go to this website to calculate their pay and get a paycheck printed. I wonder if I can get a $134,121 tax deduction?

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Amidst Celebrity!

I have been in the same room as Glen Reynolds and met Michael Silence (multiple times).

Last night to help the children get their minds off Lucy, we met a visiting uncle and the grandparents at our favorite family restaurant, IHOP. Uncle Stinky had purchased Narnia for the children without knowing they already had it so we all headed to Best Buy for an exchange to Fraggle Rock and to give the boys a chance to use the DS Download Station. Our troops march in and immediate disperse! After making sure that the boys understood the Download Station, I headed off to find out Best Buy does not sell filters for the Roomba (time to order from iRobot). Upon returning to report into my wife, I find that Lissa Kay has identified us! She said she recognized Tommy first but her suspicions were confirmed by our numbers!

Lissa Kay of Oh…really? is wonderfully pleasant. I could have spent the rest of evening chatting with her. Of course there was the trepidation caused by timidity of being amid celebrity. And the hesitation in conversation trying to avoid redundancy.

Me: And then…
Her: Read it.
Me: The cutest thing…
Her: Commented on it.
Me: Did you hear?
Her: Hey! You got that from my blog!

Of course, that was the conversation in my head; not the real one! I hope to bump into more bloggers. It is quite a thrill!

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Lucy has passed on

At roughly 11am yesterday, Lucy peacefully drew her last breath. The family grieves her loss as she has been with the children most of their lives. We have never viewed our animals as simply pets; they are family members. Molly, the dog, and Two Paws, the cat, seem sullen. Lucy shared many great times with us. She will be remembered well.

I want to thank everyone for your supportive comments (and here) on the blogs and in person!