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Browncoats will rise again!

One year ago almost to the day, the web was filled with this quote:

"There’s no sequel, no secret project regarding Serenity or somesuch and I’m not even sure how anyone thought there was talk there. So let’s put that to bed and smother it with a pillow" says Whedon. [Source, WHEDONesque, a community weblog discussing the work of TV maker Joss Whedon]

So, it is not without irony that today we get the announcement of a possible Serenity 2.

According to the guys over at Moviehole, Tudyk told them that a sequel could be happening. … the way Tudyk talks it sounds like the entire cast would be more than willing to come back. That includes Nathan Fillion, the crew’s intrepid Captain Tightpants. [Source, Cinema Blend]

Coincidentally, I was listening to the Serenity soundtrack on XM’s Cinemagic just the other day thinking it is about time to re-watch Serenity. I would really love to see another movie! Somehow I doubt we will ever seen Serenity 2. I really wanted to see the series continue because it seemed like they had some serious subplots setup that needed to be played out. I didn’t realize Alan Tudyk played Sonny in I, Robot! (Are they really considering a sequel to I, Robot?!)

Psst. Glenn, Ben..over here.

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Sexual Tension on the rise in Alabama

Over the past few years I have made several references to Alabama outlawing sex toys. Here’s my response to Michael Silence’s post on Alabama sex toys today:

These laws are dangerous.

Setting all the privacy issues aside, these laws destroy opportunity to make sex toys safe. A devices intended to come in contact with a human can be required to be made of medical grade materials and FDA approved. By outlawing the sale of sex toys, these business can buy inferior products, stamp a “for novelty purposes only” sticker on it, and go right on selling them. Do we outlaw novelty items next? Every magic store, Stuckeys, Cracker Barrel and, possibly, toy store would have to close shop.

Who suffers? The consumer. Why? Because some prude who wouldn’t buy one in the first place stuck their nose in your bedroom.

“That government is best which governs the least, because its people discipline themselves.” –Thomas Jefferson

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Orweillian of the Day

All those cameras and now "give us your keys."

People in the UK who encrypt their data are now obliged by law to give up the encryption keys to law enforcement officials…[Source]

Note: I have not confirmed the above against any other sources.

Per capita there are more surveillance cameras in the UK than any other country in the world…

The average city dweller can expect to be captured on film every five minutes…

Source, UK Something to watch over us, BBC News

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Problogger’s iPod giveaway is up!

If you are following Darren Rowse’s $54,000 giveaway, then you may be interested in knowing that the iPods will be given away in the next 24 hours. To enter, write a poem (read the post for the specifics! Follow the rules!) before noon Oct 5. They are accepting entries based on doing not literary quality so even if you do not fancy yourself a poet, you should do it. Good luck!

Full list of prizes

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How to get into programming mode

Have a ritual! Some morning I just want to stare at the computer and bemoan, "I’d rather be blogging." Today I have a video I want to make and other fun stuff like painting the kitchen but responsibility has to come first. How do you kickstart yourself? My ritual to start programming:

  1. Pour a cup of coffee
  2. Read a few blogs (get it out of the way) then CLOSE the feedreader
  3. Write a blog post
  4. Refill the coffee
  5. Light a stick of incense
  6. Get some music going
  7. Wear some ear plugs (kills the white noise and seems to make me focus better)
  8. Determine a milestone which will be my next break
  9. Begin typing like mad.
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You have 3.5 hours for a chance at one of 24 prizes

Problogger has announced its next round of prizes. Before Noon (EST), write a blog entry with a "blogging" "tip" then post the link to your entry in the Problogger comments with a note on which prize you would prefer. Only one entry per person and it has to be new material.

As a reminder, once you win a prize in the $54,000 giveaway, you cannot win again. Make sure the 24 prizes are appealing to you!

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What am I doing to my brain?

The mental exercise of jumping from one project to another at a rapid pace with breakneck deadlines is like making a bootleggers turn at interstate speeds particularly when the environment of each project changes slightly or even drastically such as CF with MS SQL to CF with MySQL to ASP with MS Access. I’m sure this either good for me or the seed for a tumor.

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Problogger’s 4th giveaway is listed

Problogger‘s Birthday Bash has announced its fourth prize. You could win TWO 20-inch FlatronWide L206WU USB-based monitors provided by DisplayLink by creating a post and linking back to the kickoff post then going to the DisplayLink post and adding a comment with your link and the word DisplayLink below it (case is important!).

Remember, once you win a prize, you cannot win any others so make sure you are entering for prizes you want.

These monitors are USB monitors and some people have expressed concern that lag due to limitations of USB speed could make these monitors less than adequate for gaming. This video by ndíyo shows some great potential for these monitors. I found it very exciting! Of course, Engadget has some words.

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IMPORTANT! You can only win once!

Problogger has announced their 3rd giveaway! The first 25 people to send an email receive a tube of Mederma scar treatment. What is important is the eligibility note on the post!

In answer to some questions I received about who can enter and further rules about eligibility: Please keep in mind that the winners of today’s first and third prizes will not be eligible for any other prizes during the duration of the giveaway, and it’s going to be like that for the entire event, so if you’re not really interested in a particular prize, it’s probably best not to enter for it. The reason we do this is to give the greatest number of individuals a chance to win something. By all means, if you’re interested in more than one prize, enter for more than one, but know that if you win anything, that will be the only item you win.

So, think before you jump! Make sure the prize is one you want.

Update: Darren Rowse has a full list of prizes and sponsors.