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jquery challenge of the day

And now for something completely different…

Let’s say you have a table that could have infinite rows. The table has an id but none of the other elements (ie. we won’t be traversing by id). The column to the furthest right of the row has an anchor tag in the for of an <a href> There are no other anchors on that row. What I want to do is when the anchor tag is clicked, have the <a href> text in the row above the clicked on turn bold and only that <a href>. Sample table:

<table id="tbl">
         <th>col 1 label</th>
         <th>col 2 label</th>
         <td>sometext <a class="tt" href="#">link</a></td>
         <td>moretext <a class="tt" href="#">link</a></td>
         <td>differenttext <a class="tt" href="#">link</a></td>
         <td>othertext <a class="tt" href="#">link</a></td>

So, if I click the link in row three, I want the text "link" in row two to become bold. This is using jquery and traversing this is kicking me hard.

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Let’s talk SEO and domain names

Say for more than half a decade (really its been a decade) Cathy has blogged as and she has. Let’s say on a whim she decides she would rather be blogging as (in reality she hasn’t..this is simply a working example). Currently forwards to To complicate things, let’s say they are registered at 2 different registrars so DNS is handled by two different organizations.

Many options exist for moving a domain name. What is the best way to make the primary url for Cathy’s website instead of without losing the search engine rankings or readership and without creating broken links?