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The corruption of the next four years is already beginning

The Billionaire’s Boy’s Club is already trying to ease the path for their corruption.

During a Monday appearance on NPR, Trump adviser Newt Gingrich argued that Congress should consider changing ethics laws so President-elect Donald Trump could freely mix his administration and his business interests.

–Source:, "Gingrich says Trump can’t be expected to follow ethics laws, so Congress should change them for him"

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2016 – the year the United States elected a lunatic

Would you elect Howard Hughes to the presidency? Every Howard Hughes film today focuses on his mental illnesses.

History will record 2016 as the year the United States elected a mentally unstable man to the office of the presidency. If we still have our freedom of press years from now, we will see movies, documentaries, and history books depicting the mental illnesses of Donald Trump in the same way movies, documentaries, and books today depict Howard Hughes.

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A quick disclaimer about social media and live events

A quick disclaimer about social media and live events.

I recognize that the chance for some of the information I’m distributing could be inaccurate. For example, Arrowmont having burned…we now have pictures that most of the structures are still standing.

I hope most people know that social media brings awareness at the sacrifice of accuracy. Our sharing of information is second or third hand and anecdotal. I am 45 minutes to an hour and a half away from the fires. I am not witnessing any of this first hand.
The choice between posting these things is one of awareness versus accuracy. I’d rather put it out there and have people know what’s going on and what is at stake and make corrections later. I am not always good about including words like “second hand” and “unconfirmed” I think that’s all implied right now.

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And the vacation comes to a close…with a missing sweater

I thought today would be a perfect day to wear my favorite cashmere sweater. Unfortunately, it has gone missing. Hopefully, I find it in the car. Sorta defines these past two weeks. See, I’ve been on a working vacation. That would be two weeks off of the day job to solely focus on the side job. It was a wonderful vacation. Had plenty of positive experiences (mostly centered around family fun), some negative (my 11-year-old received frostbite on his fingertips and I felt like a cad), and good progress on my project (albeit, the intention was to have it completed before this morning…it isn’t).

My vacation plans had been this: Do everything in my power to finish my side project BEFORE the vacation began. Spend the vacation working on the house and spending time with my family. Unfortunately, software doesn’t always cooperate. I’m very close to having it wrapped up. My software muse is in good spirits. Let the code flow!