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Beating the system – Standardized tests

Saw this on I wonder how long it will take this document on beating Scantron to go through the schools. Scantrons are those answer sheets that you color in the circle with a number 2 pencil. The document talks of “hacks” like coloring over the black line beside the question to make the machine skip that question when grading. Or running chapstick down the length of the paper to cause the Scantron to give it 100% on the premise that it can find no questions to grade.

We used to be told that if you are in doubt, guess C. Now I suppose you guess C and, cross hatch A, B and D, and scribble over the black line beside the question.

From the comments:

Ah well folks, just to prevent the small proportion of teenyboppers here who are gullible but otherwise reasonable, I’ll just note for the record that this is a complete laugh to teachers, at least my fellow college professors. The teacher can program the Scantron machine to grade any way he likes: it can subtract 1 for each wrong answer and do nothing for a skipped or unreasonable answer (which is on what this poor naif relies), or, of course, it can do nothing for a right answer, subtract 1 for a clearly wrong answer, and subtract 55 for each unreadable answer. It’s completely up to the teacher when he fires up the machine. Plus, of course, he can easily ask the machine to report which forms had unreadable answers. Indeed, it normally does this.

Most of my colleagues would get pissed at an unreadable Scantron, because it has to be graded by hand. I do. In fact, if I find a Scantron that’s been deliberately screwed up — with holes cut in it, ha ha, or filled out improperly, I just assign a zero to the whole thing. Zap! That works out very well — after the first test and a few poor fools are horrified by getting a zero (and there are always a few, who are are very shocked to find a professor is perfectly entitled to assign you a zero even if you know the material) — everyone is very, very careful to fill the wretched things out carefully and neatly.

So, you know, do what you gotta do. But be warned, eh?

The document doesn’t appear on Snopes but it doesn’t sound like any of it should work. Parents be warned! Your kids might be duped into trying such silliness.

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Browncoats defeated…again

Earlier I posted about a fan based effort to create a second season of Firefly. I just dropped by to see the progress and was disappointed, albeit not surprised, to find this statement:

No more donations are being taken at this time!
We are in the process of returning all donations received. We came up against insurmountable odds and legal issues launching our fund-raising drive.

If the money is buring a hole in your pocket, please buy a DVD. Firefly (amz) and Serenity (amz) sales at this time will further our cause. We will continue the fight to re-light Firefly using other methods. Thank you for you support in our first 36 hours of activity.

Let’s make sure Lost keeps high ratings!

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Get that television out of the bedroom!

And here I was thinking we needed “his” and “hers” tv sets.

A study by an Italian sexologist has found that couples who have a TV set in their bedroom have sex half as often as those who don’t.

On average, Italians who live without TV in the bedroom have sex twice a week, or eight times a month. This drops to an average of four times a month for those with a TV and just 1.5 times if you are over 50 with a TV.

I feel bad for those poor older folks that only make it half way through. Now, I’m all for getting rid of the tv, but what do you watch your porn on?


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From the mouths of babes

Yesterday I was in the middle of trying to rush out of the house and had this amusing conversation with the nine year old.

Noah: “Dad, do you have some string or rope with a hole in it?”
Dad, trying to picture putting a hole through a rope or string and not weakening it: “No, why would you do that?”
Noah: “I want to make one of those walkie talkie things with the two cups.”
Dad: “Oh, you mean a telephone. Why does the string need a hole through it?”
Noah: “How else is the sound going to get through?”

I dropped everything and rapidly found some string and two plastic cups. With time running out, Noah and I made our telephones, then over our first call, we discussed the science and why the strings don’t need holes. Now that was fun!

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From the mouths of babes

I hear the rattling of the gate at the top of the stairs which Amy has just traversed. Then I hear Amy walking around upstairs. Now, we keep the gate closed at all times since Lucy is so old and doesn’t need to be coming downstairs and Evan is so fast that at the blink of an eye he could be tumbling down the stairs. Perhaps I didn’t latch the gate completely.

Dad: “Amy, did you open the gate?”
Amy, coyly: “Yes”
Dad: “Show me.”
Amy, opens the gate: “I’m strong now!”

As one child learns mobility, the other learns to open doors. Scary!

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Firefly Fans Create Website for 2nd season

BoingBoing alerts us that FireFly fans have created a website to raise money for a 2nd season (brilliant design blares sound so you might want to turn off your speakers). Last night they had raised $346. This morning they report that they’ve raised $840. Wish I could earn money like that! But for Whedon they have a long way to go ($24 million is the target – I only want $125k for myself). The site shows this quote:

“As long as I was able to service the characters with integrity and had enough money so that I wasn’t hampered, then I would love to return Serenity to TV. I love that universe; it continues and those characters live on. There could be a series, there could be a miniseries, there could be all sorts of things. I’m not ruling anything out. I’ll let it simmer for a while and see if anyone calls.” -Joss Whedon

Firefly (amz) and Serenity (amz) were awesome. I think we can help the cause by purchasing as many DVDs of the series and movie as possible and create a larger fan base. I have little optimism that the show or even another movie would ever come about. Here’s hoping! Of course, wouldn’t it be ironic if a second season started then was cancelled?

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Breaking Down Handicap Barriers – Braille Playboy

So, I accidentally came across a reference to a Playboy magazine in Braille published by none other than The Library of Congress! Hoax radar went off so I started prodding around. Snopes turned up nothing. Then I found more pictures (safe for work) complete with a reference to eBay removing the item citing “mature audiences.”

My next stop was The Library of Congress to see their January-February 2006 Braille Book Review and sure enough, there sits Playboy! I found references dating back to March of 1997.

The following is a list of braille magazines in the Library of Congress program. Readers may obtain free personal subscriptions to these magazines. …

This page includes Web-Braille links to full-text braille versions of magazines. …

Isn’t it every young man’s dream to have a 3-D version of Playboy?