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Halloween Redux

Today, Amy will go to school dressed like Minnie Mouse. We did it last Wednesday and walked into the school to see most people not in costume. Fortunately, Amy had an extra shirt in the car. Two or three children remained in costume, one with hair dyed orange, as the teachers explained the date had changed and we must have missed the memo. Amy was having an overtired tantrum and part of me just wanted to take her home. I also didn’t want her to feel bad being one of the only children (at first I thought ‘the only’) in costume but I really do not think 4 year old minds think things like that until adults put such thoughts of self-doubt and insecurity into their minds. I think she would have proudly shown off her costume despite the other children. That’s the correct, confident response we should maintain all our lives. I hope I can instill such confidence. I don’t see it in Sarah.

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August Challenge – Cable TV

Eek! I missed yesterday so this post is for yesterday’s challenge. Yesterday I was happy that Tuesday night I took some time to fish a coax cable up through Noah’s wall, across the attic, and down into the girls’ wall so that the television which has been in their room since Christmas now has basic cable as promised. Additionally, our fried cable box (blown during a power outage two weeks ago) has been replaced and our digital guide is back! Did not realize how important that guide has become to our television viewing. Did not realize the quantity and quality of educational television that comes on the upper digital channels and is lacking from the lower channels. Evan is dancing again. Amy is learning her spelling again.Thank you Noggin! Btw, television and physical activity with children still needs to be monitored but after observing how television has helped the children with vocabulary, words, math, and concepts, I will never again call it a simple babysitter for today’s television is truly an educational aid. I still like to see it turned off periodically.

Oh, Tommy and Noah are learning to blow things up (thank you Mythbusters and I don’t care what Adam and Jamie say I still don’t want forks in the microwave). And Sarah is watching some anime crap that comes on the lower channels anyway. Yeah yeah. I know. I watched it too when I was her age.

Can you meet The August Challenge?

ps. The Mythbusters cast have the coolest job in the world!

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From the mouths of babes

peg game medium

The other day we went to Cracker Barrel with Cathy, Noah, Amy, Evan and myself. If you have never been to a cracker barrel, you should know ever table has that triangular game with the golf tees. (which ironically, is how they describe it in their product description! I wrote mine first!) I have accidentally solved it once in my life.

Amy is playing the peg game and drops a golf tee on the floor. We ask Noah to pick it up. Now Noah could be holding something and still be unable to find the object he is holding. The rest of this plays like it was scripted for a movie.

Noah begins looking for the golf tee on the dark tile floor and Amy watches Noah intently from her booster seat with this pleasant, relaxed look on her face. The guests around us take no notice as they continue to eat their pancakes, grits, and chicken and dumplings. The checkers board sits on a barrel just waiting for two players. We are near the kitchen and the wait staff enter and leave at haste and Noah stays out of their way. Noah is bent over staring at the floor. A waitress quickly sweeps the floor in front of her on the way back to the kitchen. It almost looks Monkish as if she does not want to step on a dirty floor. Amy continues to watch Noah as he stares at the floor moving his head back and forth as he scans for the golf tee. Knives and forks clink on plates. Conversations hum.

Dad: "Amy can you see it?"
Amy, non-chalantly and continuing to watch Noah: "She sweepered it."