Student: I have experienced true joy!
Master: Why stop?
Category: Philosophy
Think deep.
For my wife. Who really has a thing for spiders.
I warn you. Watching this will forever change your life…uh…yeah…Well…maybe not but once you press play you won’t be able to stop watching.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: We rarely talk when I am happy.
Master: We talk far too often.
Doug’s Mantras
Quit thinking about how impossible the task is and just do it!
Of Grasshoppers
Student: Is this what dying feels like?
Master: This is what living feels like.
Atlas’ Journey
Hopelessness clings like a straitjacket
Constricts like a boa
Weights the feet like walking through watery mud
The legs gave out long ago
But the mountain must be climbed
And I trudge on
Hopefully I will see the summit
If the sun sets without me
I will savor all it illuminated during my journey
and fertilize the trail for the hiker behind me.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: I took a nap.
Master: Have you awoken yet?
Whose da favorite?!
Invisible Rope Trick
This brings back memories. I have no idea where I learned this but when I was 11 or 12 years old, a friend or my brother and I did this. Cars do slow down! But for the record, eventually an angry man gets out of his car and rips you a new one.
EMBED-Invisible Rope Prank II – Watch more free videos
Of Grasshoppers
Student: This mountain is too high.
Master: Forget the mountain. Let’s climb this small hill first.
Note to the DJ
When trying to have an intimate moment with the wife, romance turns to comedy when the music switches from Led Zeppelin to Meatloaf’s "Paradise by the Dashboard Light" mid-act. I think that’s the first time in my life I’ve actually been able to act that song out…while the song was playing!
Of Grasshoppers
Student: That’s a big mountain!
Master: No one climbs a mountain by staring at it.
Slip Sliding Away
I was having this discussion
In a taxi heading downtown
Rearranging my position
On this friend of mine who had
A little bit of a breakdown
I said breakdowns come
And breakdowns go
So what are you going to do about it
That’s what I’d like to know
[Source, Paul Simon, Gumboots]
Of Grasshoppers
Student: I’m very tired.
Master: Rest.
Of Grasshoppers
Student: David Carradine dead at 72.
Master: No words.