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I could sit in the barn and be hot and uncomfortable with the flies. or i could sit on the porch and be hot and uncomfortable. or i could sit in the van for half an hour listening to the comedy channel and contributing to global warming while painfully typing a blog post over my cell phone. hmm.

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Warning to cat owners!

Keep your cats indoors at night if you are in Columbia SC! I’m sure we will see this announced on the Psychozilla Tribune soon. (Russ?) I have seen the photographic evidence! Columbia, SC has a cat vampire! Remember, vampires cannot enter your house unless you invite them in so as long as kitty stays indoors, they will be safe from Catdrakula. Oh the humanity!

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MyQuire only wants links to the front page

If you sign up for MyQuire and actually read the Terms of Service, you might notice the section forbidding "deep linking." This means they only want you linking to the top level of the website, like rather than directly to functionality or articles like I am sure their intent here is to prevent people from using MyQuire functionality within their own domain but it is phrased such that if MyQuire has a discussion forum, you will be in violation of the terms of service if you link to a forum discussion.