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Marijuana Cave is up for auction

Nashville Pot Bust

The famous TN marijuana cave is being sold on auction. The 2 mile cave will be split between two potential buyers with the buyer who gets the entrance having access to only 360 feet of the cave and the other buyer with the 1.5 acre tract of land getting the cave below the surface but having no entrance to it. How do you enforce your neighbor from staying out from under your property when you cannot even get to it?!

Everyday several visitors come to Reality Me to read about the cave because periodically it hits the news again. I had some thoughts on the cave. And the original reference. Need a secret passage?

Update: Wisconsin cheesemaker to make curd instead of cannabis as noted by Michael Silence.

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Blogging Abby Ham for hits

I listen to music on Pandora at the recommendation of a college professor who told me that Pandora and its algorithmic music selection is the rage of his research assistants. Wanting to hang with the cool kids, I checked it out and was impressed. Now thanks to Darren Rowse at Problogger, I also listen to and enjoy the higher quality streaming but am not thrilled with the narrow selection of music choices. Thanks to my brother-in-law’s gift of XM Radio to Cathy I rarely listen to regular radio anymore.

I like Frank Murphy. He blogs and performs in my improv alma mater, Einstein Simplified. Even before the Knoxville Symphony Orchestra I had the best of intentions of checking out his STAR 102.1FM morning show but as is typical of "best intentions" I haven’t done it yet…until today. Frank drew me in with his mention of Reality Me’s report that Google Street Views is in Knoxville. What did I learn from today’s morning show? It is good! And apparently if you blog about Abby Ham, in particular Abby leaving Knoxville for Cleveland somewhere, you get traffic to your blog!

Good luck Abby Ham! Be strong!

Update: By the way, I highly recommend the 10th anniversary 5.5 version of Winamp!

Update: For Abby Ham fans, Frank Murphy suggests visiting Terry Morrow’s blog and Knoxville Trivia Blog.

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I love the Fall!

Wow! It is so beautiful outside right now. The air is crisp. Earlier there was a smell of leaking gas (yes yes…gas is odorless but they add a smell) but it has dissipated and been replaced by that smell of…crisp air! I could really enjoy a camping trip right now. Means I should get to work and clean my plate so that I can take a break.

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I was attacked on Halloween by zombies!

Zombies!Last night we had a wonderful time. Since our neighborhood is historically dead, we go to a friend’s neighborhood which is Pleasantville perfect. Our zombie horde dragged their feet and moaned their way into a Pleasantville street party. All the neighbors had brought food out ala potluck and one neighbor hired a dj to play music allowing the children to dance in their driveway. The street was packed but opened up as a tractor pulled a hay ride into the cove. The "hey ride" shuttle circled the neighborhood for a couple of hours giving young tired feet a fun rest. Our four zombies (one, two, three, four) where accompanied by a friend zombie and German shepherd, a poodle, mini-Shaun, and me.

Tommy zombieSarah zombieNoah zombieAmy, cutest poodle to avoid zombiesMini-Shaun, Evan the zombie fighterCathy zombie eats Shaun

The neighborhood was ideal with neighbors socializing and laughing, people crowding the streets, no one getting angry as children cut through yards and landscaping. I didn’t see the slutty outfits that we experienced last year but we did arrive earlier this year. Everyone was so friendly and many houses were decorated for the scene. One even had a rock band playing at stadium volume.

Shaun attacked by ZombiesThe 17 year old and 5 year old wore out quickly. The 2 year old would tire then find another wind. When we stopped trick or treating for the evening, I think he could have kept going but was really done. The two teen girls could have gone all night and the pre-teen boy found a friend’s house and could have played all night. I was attacked by Zombies. One adult identified me and cackled. A teenage boy laughed as he identified me and declared me to have "the coolest costume ever!" And I think one other person got it with a chuckle but only have being clued in during an explanation to a little girl about the blood on my shirt "There’s zombies everywhere! I’m being chased by zombies. Heading to the Winchester!"

Update: We’ve receive honor from Barry for Picture of the Week! Thanks Barry!