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My day in court

Tomorrow I get to spend the day in Civil Sessions Court. Just a little bit of my past coming back to haunt me. So today I thought I’d call down to find out the procedure. It went something like this:

Me: I am calling to find out what I need to bring to court tomorrow.
Them: I’m sorry sir that would be giving legal advise.
Me: Okay. How long will this take?
Them: I don’t know how many people are on the docket.
Me: How long does it normally take?
Them: Can’t say.
Me: Since I have never done this, can you explain the procedure to me?
Them: No that would be giving legal advice.
Me: You mean to tell me the process, the way your court works, is legal advice?
Them: I cannot give you legal advice. You need to consult a lawyer.
Me: I cannot afford a lawyer. Can you provide one for me?
Them: We don’t do that.
Me: Do you have a webpage that explains what I can expect in court tomorrow?
Them: I’m sorry sir. We cannot give legal advice.
Me: Feeling a little crotchety today aren’t we?
Them: *Click*

Yea! Tax dollars at work. Guess I should have gone to law school. I’ll just channel Alan Shore tomorrow and hopefully not learn what a holding cell feels like.

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For the record…

If you decide to use the cleaning feature on your oven, and there is a fish stick left in the oven, the fish stick will burst into flame. The oven door will be locked because that’s what the cleaning function does. Since the oven gets so hot during the cleaning process, it locks tight and won’t open until the inside cools even if you abort the cleaning process. So you stand by helplessly holding a useless fire extinguisher watching through the oven window as the 15 centimeter tall flame burns bigger and brighter and the over continues to report "cooling" and your mind starts calculating the cost of replacing the stove.

Lesson: Pre-clean the oven before using the cleaning feature of the oven.

English to metric conversion by

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Programming Error of the Day – Global Search and Replace

I had a very unique string to replace throughout my application. Simple enough, instead of being text, it should be an image. I had the image code already written for a different image so I copied it, then went to search and replace the string but forgot to change the name of the image. I originally had 13 replacements across several files. Now I have to manually inspect 32 lines of code to make 13 corrections.

Remember, automated tools are a great way to make mistakes faster. And no, this has nothing to do with Sh*t Creek. That boat is totally about a Thursday deadline and a much needed miracle.

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In Search of My Oldest Tweet

I know I signed up for Twitter shortly after it emerged at SXSW in March of 2007. I did not start using it until months later. So far the oldest Tweet I can find is from November 8, 2007 courtesy of TweetScan:

My day would go better if I couldn’t count the seconds between clicking and having my co mputer respond. 6:24 AM Nov 8th, 2007 from web

Twitter only let’s me go back in my profile to 5:28 PM Apr 10th, 2008. A day ago I was able to browse back to 11:57 AM Apr 10th, 2008. I suspect that Twitter limits you to going back 160 pages in your profile (ie. history) so those who Tweet less, can see further back in time. I suspect this is why some people on Twitterholic who Twitter more infrequently appear to have been on the system longer than those who Twitter frequently.

Ah! Barry of Inn of the Last Home references in a lasthome tweet @djuggler from 11:45 AM Jul 23rd, 2007.

Tommy following lead from other manager and making a second attempt. He bumped into an old friend. 11:45 AM Jul 23rd, 2007 from txt

I wonder if there’s a future in Twitter Archeology or Twitter Detective work. I personally believe everyone’s first Tweet is something like "Trying this out. Not sure I’ll use it."

Update: Twitter Tip- Favorite your first Tweet to make it easier to find in the future.

Update November 20, 2009: According to How long have you been tweeting, my first Tweet was on March 16, 2007. Feels like it should be longer than that.

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Picking Parental Battles

My 15 year old daughter left the house today wearing Teva sandals (similar to the Open Toachi). They are cool looking and rugged shoes. She wore no socks. The only problem? This morning I had to scrape ice from the windshield, puddles in parking lots were frozen solid, and my long sleeve and jacket wasn’t enough. I desired a sweater in addition to my other layers to be comfortable. In short, it is cold!

I could have fought with her and demanded that she wear regular shoes or at least put on socks. However, this has natural consequences. She can learn her own lessons without being distracted by me.