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Lost thoughts

Since I haven’t done my Lost review this week, I’ll post a comment I made on a forum.

I don’t think Walt ever typed anything on the computer. I think it was in Michael’s mind. I think Walt was trying to communicate telepathically and couldn’t get it quite right which is why he was visible to Shannon and Sayid but his speech was backwards. He found it easier to project the typed text into Michael’s mind.

When Jack walked in on Michael after Michael had been talking to Walt on the computer, the screen was blank although Michael did not touch the keyboard and only a second later had been in mid-sentence with Walt.

I think Fake Henry is a strong telepath. Remember Jack saying “you’ve got good ears.” He wasn’t listening through the door. I think when Michael came into the hatch, Henry finally found a mind weak enough to control. Henry, not Michael, shot the drunks, er, I mean examples, er, partiers, er, no, um, ladies…yes, Henry shot the ladies.

I still think that when Henry said to Anna Lucia, “you killed two good people” that he was looking into her mind and referring to incidents off the island.

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I can’t afford my wife

I knew she valuable and, I love her dearly, but this is just out of budget!

NEW YORK (Reuters) – A full-time stay-at-home mother would earn $134,121 a year if paid for all her work, an amount similar to a top U.S. ad executive, a marketing director or a judge, according to a study released Wednesday.

Now, conceivably you would think we could save money by having her work outside the home but noooooo!

A mother who works outside the home would earn an extra $85,876 annually on top of her actual wages for the work she does at home, according to the study by Waltham, Massachusetts-based compensation experts

Mom’s can go to this website to calculate their pay and get a paycheck printed. I wonder if I can get a $134,121 tax deduction?

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Amidst Celebrity!

I have been in the same room as Glen Reynolds and met Michael Silence (multiple times).

Last night to help the children get their minds off Lucy, we met a visiting uncle and the grandparents at our favorite family restaurant, IHOP. Uncle Stinky had purchased Narnia for the children without knowing they already had it so we all headed to Best Buy for an exchange to Fraggle Rock and to give the boys a chance to use the DS Download Station. Our troops march in and immediate disperse! After making sure that the boys understood the Download Station, I headed off to find out Best Buy does not sell filters for the Roomba (time to order from iRobot). Upon returning to report into my wife, I find that Lissa Kay has identified us! She said she recognized Tommy first but her suspicions were confirmed by our numbers!

Lissa Kay of Oh…really? is wonderfully pleasant. I could have spent the rest of evening chatting with her. Of course there was the trepidation caused by timidity of being amid celebrity. And the hesitation in conversation trying to avoid redundancy.

Me: And then…
Her: Read it.
Me: The cutest thing…
Her: Commented on it.
Me: Did you hear?
Her: Hey! You got that from my blog!

Of course, that was the conversation in my head; not the real one! I hope to bump into more bloggers. It is quite a thrill!

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Lucy has passed on

At roughly 11am yesterday, Lucy peacefully drew her last breath. The family grieves her loss as she has been with the children most of their lives. We have never viewed our animals as simply pets; they are family members. Molly, the dog, and Two Paws, the cat, seem sullen. Lucy shared many great times with us. She will be remembered well.

I want to thank everyone for your supportive comments (and here) on the blogs and in person!

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All things come to an end

Our Lucy

Our older dog, a golden mix, is wasting. I think she has decided she is at the end of her days. She has not eatten or drank for 3 days. She would not even take a hotdog or hamburger from me tonight.

She is a great dog! I do not want to lose her. I want to take responsibility and blame myself thinking that I could have done better for her somehow. She sits in the yard right now and is refusing to come in yet as I speak to her and pet her she holds her head high and wags her tail like a puppy. I will not force her in quite yet but will check back on her in a bit and give a more forceful encouragement. Perhaps outside is better right now as she is not holding her stomach, bowels or bladder well. All this developed rapidly.

How am I to prepare the children? Will this totally disrupt Tommy‘s final weeks at school? Do we spend money trying to buy Lucy some time or assume she is in pain and put her down? What does Lucy want? There should be more time.

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Project Done!

Most of the time I try to avoid talking about my work. Often it just is not appropriate. However, many people have no idea what I do. I find solutions to computer problems with a focus on web application development and database design; usually my work is in content management, inventory control, and e-commerce/point of sales. I have bid projects on automation of assembly lines, and done work as diverse as writing C++ programs with the aid of Russian programmers (that app had many millions of downloads btw). I sometimes get hands on and build computers or troubleshoot and repair systems. Often, I find some of my solutions to problems both fun and really cool.

I just completed two fun projects that each tormented me with overruns on deadlines due to technical hurdles. The latter was simply a statistical report of some tracked performance on a website. The challenge in organizing and categorizing the data came down to database design choices previously made by the client including housing some of the data in a MS SQL database and some of the data in a MS Access database. A requirement was speed so the choice was made to place as much onus on the MS SQL database for preparing the data. Unfortunately, this came down only to using some aggregate functions to get the totals and unioning a couple of tables. I did have the pleasure of writing a neat little UDF to convert a list into some table results. Because of the way the aggregate functions had to be written, the data came out neither grouped appropriately and with some unavoidably duplicate data.

Fortunately, ColdFusion now has the ability to perform queries on queries including the joining of data across different datasources. So now that I had data appropriately summed albeit out of order and with some duplicates (as stated previously), I could write a query to pull the labels from the MS Access database. All labels and details were in Access; all statistical information, referred to only by id, was in SQL. Next I used a query of query to join the resultset from the stored procedure with the result set from the Access database and now the data started to resemble something meaningful; however, duplicate information still litered the results.

ColdFusion also allows for manually building a result set. I’ve seen the unfortunate growth in popularity of the term "fake query" which is a terrible misnomer. It is a manual query result set. You, the programmer, are programmatically reproducing a set of data that otherwise would have been delivered via a database engine. So, using a loop to step through our latest result set formed from the QoQ and logic within the loop, I create a result set that combines information from the semi-duplicated rows into a single row. In the process I wrote a slick little number using a structure to hold the grand totals for each segment that I could refer to mathmatically when outputing the result set. Then I simply display the results reaching into the structure for additional information when necessary.

Wahla! Greek.

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$10,000 for your idea; $2million for your robot

Microsoft is having a contest for your ideas. 12 entrants will actually develop their ideas.

It begins with contestants submitting their cool ideas for projects built with Express, and completes when 12 selected finalists complete their projects and compete head-to-head with each other. The Grand Prize winner walks away with $10,000.

Oops. The rules state that the idea phase just ended. "The Idea Phase of the Contest begins 12:01 a.m. (PT) on March 13, 2006 and ends at 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2006."

You still have time to enter the Darpa Challenge!

Teams will compete to build an autonomous vehicle able to complete a 60-mile urban course safely in less than 6 hours.

For track A, $1million development funds are available; for track B, $100,000 is available.

One way involves teams submitting a detailed proposal for up to $1 million of technology development funds in response to a DARPA solicitation. The Government will obtain limited license rights to technologies developed using this funding.


The second track is similar to that used for Grand Challenge 2005: teams will submit applications and participate in a series of qualification activities. Each team that participates as a semi-finalist in the National Qualification Event (NQE) will be awarded $50,000. Each team that is successful at NQE will receive $100,000 and compete in the Urban Challenge final event.

Details on competing for funding are available.

I so want to do this!

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Next Darpa Challenge Announced

I swore I was going to participate in the next Darpa Challenge. I actually had discussions with some people when the first one came out. I think we could have done well.

Teams will compete to build an autonomous vehicle able to complete a 60-mile urban course safely in less than 6 hours.

Not sure I can move fast enough. Need funding!

  • Urban Challenge Participants Conference will be held on Saturday, May 20, 2006
  • Track A proposals are due June 23, 2006.
  • Track B applications are due October 5, 2006.

More in the press release.

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Tennessee Makes Yahoo News! Yahoo!

Thieves Steal Trailer Filled With Red Bull

A truck driver reported last weekend that his 53-foot trailer containing containing $100,000 worth of Red Bull energy drinks (2,880 cases) was stolen. … A trailer containing $100,000 worth of Kraft sauces also was stolen in Dyersburg on Monday

Now what can you do with $!00,000 worth of Red Bull and a $100,000 worth of Kraft sauces at the end a college semester? I’m thinking if we see $100,000 worth of cattle and $100,000 worth of chickens disappear that someone is going to be throwing one heck of a finals craming party. This is what happens when you wait until the end of the semester to start studying!


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Mexico ponders tougher immigration laws

Mexico’s Congress approved a bill Friday decriminalizing possession of small quantities of drugs for personal use – including cocaine, heroin and ectasy

With the latest announcement from Mexico, can we expect to see an onslaught of illegal US immigrants on Mexico’s soil? Is this a conspiracy with the US Right to get more of the Left out of the country? Wait, no! If that was true, they wouldn’t have included cocaine and heroin…
