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Cathy Won a Vacation!

Cathy won! She won "3 nights in Sedona, AZ – Retreat and Heal" prize from Darren Rowse’s Problogger Birthday Bash. Oh oh! I wonder who she’ll take. Pick me! Pick me! It’s the Grand Canyon! After 6 years of marriage we can finally do something that resembles a honeymoon! Anyone want to babysit for a week?

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Last Night’s Dream

I remember two dreams. Both involved Tommy. One was about camping. But this post is about the other one.

We are in a car. I am in the back seat against the door on the passenger side. Cathy is sharing the seat with me just to my left. Some girl is in the middle but it is kind of like an opening to another row of seats so perhaps she is in the back-back and leaning forward to the middle row of seats; she is holding an unlit joint between her thumb and index finger but mostly concealing it in her hand. Then a shadow of a person is in the other middle seat on the driver’s side. Tommy is driving. A police officer pulls him over. We all sit there stunned. We make no attempt to get the girl to conceal her illegal substance as the officer approaches the car and makes eye contact with her. He comes to my side of the car and takes the joint from her, makes a comment and hands it to me. As he walks away Cathy points out that the police officer is going to arrest me so I eat it.

Now I ask you, what the hell was Tommy doing driving?!

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Last night I decided to not sleep until January but the Sirens called and I decided to grab just a couple of hours rest. That’s where my seductress got me. Despite having the stolen covers between her skin and mine, her warmth was soothing and the weight of her body leaning against my back anchoring. We were not cuddling but she lay partially across my legs further assuring I would stay in the bed and it worked. Each time I jolted awake, I dared not leave the bed for fear of disturbing her…at least that was my rationalization. Shouldn’t the dog be sleeping at the foot of the bed?!

Sleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping MollySleeping Molly

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Practicing what I preach

I have bemoaned that we could get the United States onto the metric system if we started using it. You know.. put up speed limit signs that show both metric and English measurements. Of course if both the metric and English measurement appeared on the same sign, people may continue to ignore the metric. What if the English measurement sign was a half a mile before the metric. Confusion? We don’t confuse a yield sign with a speed limit sign. I think this could be worked out. Make metric the prominent measurement on all things and the English measurement the smaller. Right now my speedometer shows English measurements very large and shows metric speeds in a smaller, darker print.

What can I do? I am going to commitment myself to using metric as often as possible. I will find a thermostat for the house that displays in centigrade. When I give distances to the Scouts, they will be stated metrically first. And so forth. I know I can do this! I already drink out of two liter bottles.

Update: What is a meter?

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To Kelly

Here Kelly. You want attention? Ok you got the attention of the handful of Reality Me readers. I don’t know what you’ve done to screwup Blogger commenting but its a good one!

So, did you ever go see the school counselor? You know, the one your tuition pays for. The one that you can see anonymously without your parents, the Internet, friends, foes, teaches, and future employers will never know you’ve seen.

Counseling is part of how we get along in life. Some find counsel in a scout master, their priest, their brothers, an elderly man in the park, a bartender, a teacher, and professionals. There is nothing wrong with seeing a professional counselor and it may very well change your outlook on life.

Do you want to fix things or do you want things to magically fix themselves? Answer that question for yourself as honestly as possible. Then come see me.

"The urge to quit will be greatest just before success." -Chinese proverb

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Egad they’re real!

Saturday night Cathy, Tommy, Evan and I decided to grab a bite to eat. And we treated ourselves to a restaurant. As we are being seated my eyes fall upon the grill that the restaurant is giving away and I drift over to it to fill out the marketing information registration as the rest of the crew move on. "It’s Doug!" I look up to see Thing 1 and Thing 2 and a nice couple, obviously their parents. Look away! Don’t make eye contact. Blast this facial/name recognition deficiency of mine. Wait. You have to look at their faces to recognize them otherwise its just bodies in clothes. Clothes! Look for clues. Well, Thing 1 and Thing 2. Pretty big clues! Tall guy. They know me. Where’s my help? Panic! Look at grill. No look for Cathy. Eh. The restaurant is a cloud of blurry people. Looks like I’m staring at the prison train from The Wall. Eeks. No help there. Clues? A theatre reference on the shirt! Thing 1, Thing 2. Suessical! It’s the Barrys!

Whew! Takes a lot of words to recall 5 seconds of one’s life. I don’t know if it is the stress of worrying that if you don’t immediately recognize someone that you will offend them or if it was all that beerdamage I did to my brain in college or if its the stress of my life in general or if I just am incapable but regardless of how well I know you there are simply times where I stare at your face and no name will come to me!

I really like seeing our online friend’s in the real world. It is nice to pretend that I have friends in the flesh for the people who read Reality Me probably know me better than people in real life and the readers probably interact with me more than people in real life. I really stay locked in the basement A LOT! We need human contact! Granted, Scouting and some of the other activities of the children have brought us out of our hermitation a bit of late. And that’s nice. Of course, I wanted to bug the Barry’s and be social but Cathy in her ever present since of prudence would not let me interrupt their dinner although I sneaked in a "good-bye" and "break a leg" despite Cathy’s protests. Barry and family, it was great seeing you guys!

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American Healthcare Medieval

I’m moving to Sweden!

A Swedish heavy metal fan has had his musical preferences officially classified as a disability. The results of a psychological analysis enable the metal lover to supplement his income with state benefits. …
Because heavy metal dominates so many aspects of his life, the Employment Service has agreed to pay part of Tullgren’s salary. His new boss meanwhile has given him a special dispensation to play loud music at work.

Thanks Single Dads!

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I hate 10am

I have grown to hate 10am. It has become a magic magic..evil. It simultaneously represents a time of should and cannot. On the clock it is the polar opposite of 4pm which is a terribly unproductive time of day for me. 8am is a potentially very productive time of day for me as is 2pm. I think I’m going back to bed.

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And let the world spin

I need to be working but can’t get to my computer. Instead I build up my stress. By the time, I get to my computer my anxiety will be so high that I will be completely dysfunctional. My sinuses are broken today. Apparently my nose thinks it is a water faucet. I run to the bathroom ever couple of minutes to blow my nose. Between blows the pressure under my eyes builds up to feel like I have been smacked in the face. I could take a decongestant but then I’d sleep the day away.Couple all of this with the dizzy. Yes, the dizzy spells are trying to rear their heads again. Philip has the mola mola; I’ve got a tornado in my head. I think both conditions are stress related.

My family wants to be swimming at the pool today at 2pm. I bet that would dry up my sinuses! I could use some exercise and some sun. I won’t be there. I want to be painting the bedroom walls. I want to be blogging about last night’s Blogfest. I want to be juggling. I want to be finishing my projects. I want to know how I will feed my family next week. I want to be playing with my children. I want to build them a club house, a tree fort and a zip line in the back yard. I want my head to be clear.

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What do you dream?

Last night I dreamt that I solved a mathematical proof that no one else had ever done. I was in a debate with colleagues over how the equation would graph and in the dream I held a piece of graph paper where we had begun our chart of the data. It was evident that the equation would graphic either into a logarithmic curve or an endless spiral.

In another dream, I had gone back to school and was living in a single dorm room in Greeve Hall, an all boys dorm on the UT campus, but in the dream it was located on the same side of the street as Clement Hall. One part of the dream had something to do with playing cards. Another part had to do with my friend Vania making a huge cry for attention by climbing to an unsafe height and announcing to the corridor that he had a plan. The head resident, a woman, disgusted with me how she felt he was making an huge cry for attention. The dream had great detail from the cherry hand rails to the elaborate paneling on the walls and a jaunt outside revealed a store on the first floor with a variety of vividly colored items inside.

The second dream did not top the proof dream. I woke almost able to write out the formula.