Amy’s friend:"I want to play the step mom."
Amy’s friend:"And she better be pretty!"
Year: 2008
From the mouths of babes
Ring, ring.
Dad: "Hello."
Amy, 6 years old:"I need a bra."
Dad:"Uh. Usually you don’t get one of those until you are about 10."
Amy:"Well, ____ isn’t 10 yet and she has one."
Dad:"But you don’t need a bra."
Amy:"I want a bra today."
Dad:"Can we talk about this later?"
Amy:"Can I get one tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow?"
Changing Careers
I have decided to give up programming…and become a beach volleyball photographer! Why? See: The Most Egregious Beach Volleyball Photography. These links probably aren’t safe for work. NBC started it!
What if this isn’t real?
What if the world we live in is actually a MMORPG? What if my life is really being controlled by some hormonal pissed off teenager whose parents keep complaining about the ridiculous amount of useless time he spends playing The Game of Earth? "I’m going to screw with my character today and make his notebook disappear! Because my rents don’t want me playing today. While I’m offline, I’ll let my character suffer and look for his notebook all day but he won’t find it because I’ve used my hex editor to remove it from the game! Ha!"
Where’s that coffee delivery boy?
Murph’s back!
I’ll explain Murphy later. In short he’s my guardian angel. But he’s more like a guardian pixie. He likes to humble me through bizarre life lessons. He also likes to screw with me. For instance, this weekend I bought a 11.4cm x 8.2cm notebook to carry with me at all times. When I have a thought that I don’t seen to Jott, I write it in the book. It becomes an ongoing list of things I won’t forget. A notebook like this quickly becomes invaluable. When it is not on my person, it lives to the left of my keyboard. That’s it. It’s either beside my keyboard or on my body; except right now! Right now I have no clue where it is and I need the gd thing right now! There is too much at stake right now in my life to have little distractions like this messing with me.
Last night I did a massive cleaning on my office which implies the notebook could have been moved but it was. I know didn’t move it and I’ve looked everywhere that it might have landed. Everytime I try to implement a system to reorganize my life, someone or something tears it to shreds. Guess this 3 day experiment failed. Back to RTM and Jott I suppose.
Update: The child sized notebook apparently walked by itself into a child’s room and was quickly discovered after I offered to do the finder’s chores today. I think I just taught my children embezzlement.
Heroes text message
Know anything about evolved humans?
This mobile text message is brought to you by AT&T
Social Ineptitude
As my stress rises, the ability to recognize faces and recall names goes away. At the levels of stress I am currently experiencing, it is a wonder that I am functioning at all. I just ran into an old acquaintance at the grocery. I blanked on his name. For that matter, I couldn’t think of anything to say beyond "hi." So I stammered and searched for words which only made things worse. It was very uncomfortable. I have had to deal with this feeling much of my life as my family moved frequently during childhood. Each move meant a whole new set of faces and names to learn and be able to recall.
If this is how someone with Asperger’s feels everyday, the social torment is understandably very isolating. The knots in your stomach are enough to dry you into never leaving the house.
Excuse Me?! Bama Fan Badmouths TN
This video is going viral. It needs a rebuttal! For those of you who got your education at Alabama, a rebuttal is when someone replies to your argument and shows the flaws in your statements.
Update (Aug 6, 2008): When I posted this video yesterday, it had just over 100,000 views. In one day nearly 100,000 more people viewed the video. It now shows 201,290 views with 468 comments and 3 video responses.
I wrote this piece of rocket science last night:
<select id="birthdateyear" name="birthdateyear">
<?php for($byear = date("Y",time()); $byear >= 1901; $byear--){ ?>
<option value="<?php echo $byear; ?>" <?php if($birthdateyear == $byear) echo "selected"; ?>><?php echo date("Y",mktime(12,1,1,1,1,$byear)); ?></option>
<?php } ?>
And that is why you shouldn’t code tired.
Today’s basic HTML question
Can <optgroup> be nested within <optgroup>? Is the following example legal?
<optgroup label="A">
<optgroup label="1">
Answered! Optgroups may NOT be nested per HTML4 specification.
Let’s send Sarah and Cathy to Blogher!
I have tried Chipin a couple of times without success. Of course, the vasectomy chipin was a huge failure but did remarkably better than the new dryer chipin. I thought I would give Chipin one more try with a cause that is less about me and more about others, albeit, others close to me. See, we have three female bloggers in the house. Cathy blogs at Domestic Psychology. Sarah blogs on her own website. And Amy blogs on her own website. Granted, Amy and Sarah don’t post very frequently and sometimes their content is lacking a little substance, but they try. Amy’s composition and typing skills are age appropriate and Sarah would rather be on Facebook or MySpace.
Cathy would love to have the opportunity to participate in a convention. Blogher Nashville would be perfect! And I think Sarah would really enjoy it too. So I am giving Chipin one more try. Let’s send the girls to Blogher Nashville! Please consider contributing to their registration fees and hotel. Thanks! (I have also put a widget in the sidebar)
How did you sleep?
Fell asleep at midnight. Woke at 2am. Could not convince myself to stay and work. Woke again at 4am to Evan joining us in bed. Woke at 5am to a cat leaning up against my chest, my son leaning up against my back, a dog on my feet and somewhere in the distance corners of the bed was my wife and the other dog. Woke at 6am in same condition as 5am and it just did not seem fair to disturb everyone by me getting up. At 8am Evan decides we should be up and at 8:30am everyone is out of bed.
Related: Why is it So Hard to Wake Up in the Morning? and 5 Things You Must Know About Sleep. Other links related to sleep that I have collected.
From the mouths of babes
Cathy, eating a bowl of ice cream topped with blue berries and peaches: *Ach chuu!*
Cathy:"Oops. hahahaha"
Tonight’s Stalls
Tonight we began enforcing school time bedtimes to get everyone acclimated to the changes coming next week. Tommy has a "get up" time rather than a bedtime; he’s really on his own. Sarah will probably sneak Breaking Dawn in bed. Noah pulled a complete evasion by shooting off to a friend’s house for a sleep over. Amy fought hers hard jumping from bed to bed, having tantrums, refusals, screaming, and tearing up her sisters room decor. Evan pulled the "I gotta poop" stall and enhanced it with the "I need a bandaid" the moment he hit the crib. He turned on alligator tears for added affect but only scored about a 60 second delay with that one as opposed to a 20 minute delay from potential poo.
From the mouths of babes
Evan, pound pound pound: "Mooom MIE! You don’t yeeET?"
Evan: "Moommie!"
Evan:"You done yet?"
Evan:"You done yet?&qout;
Evan:"Mommy. You done yet?"
I can only assume she was in the bathroom.
Evan:"Daddy. Amy hit my shirt!"
Dad:"She what?"
Evan:"Amy hit my shirt. Go like this!"