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The Boy Scouts tried to kill me today

Sarah passes her swim test with photographic evidence

I was debating not going on next month’s boyscout outing. I enjoy the outings very much! But they can be expensive and money is heavy on my mind right now. I came to my senses and decided not to deny the boys. As a matter of fact, I’ve offered to include Sarah in the weekend’s activities. So next month, Tommy, Noah, Sarah and I will go to Camp Pellissippi for a canoe derby. We will have canoe racing and see how many people we can fit into a single boat and so forth. It should be much fun.

Scouting is very safety conscious. To do activities like this in scouting requires a medical form stating one is in good health. Water activities require a swim test within the past 6 months. My test was this morning. Just before I got in the water I slammed down my last swig of coffee. I had to do 6 laps with power strokes and then 2 laps with a resting backstroke. I was doing fine and had the lungs and strength to do a lap without even raising my head although my 2nd and 3rd lap included taking breaths just to not wear myself out. At the end of my 3rd lap, it hit me! A feeling like indigestion! I couldn’t get a full lung of air! What I wanted to do more than anything in the world was a world class belch! Have you ever had one of those? Maybe you just chugged a carbonated beverage and then you feel the need to burp but its stuck in your chest just below your sternum? If you can only work it out, the reverberating bass tones emanating from your mouth surely would shake walls and register on the Richter scale. Those last 3 laps were horrible. I wanted to be polite and not burp but I wanted to be able to get some air and not look like I was struggling to do a simple swim. What a terribly uncomfortable feeling!

I passed. I blame the coffee for the tough moment!

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Accident Update

We were rear ended on Thursday. The girl’s insurance company called me asking that I take the van to the Knoxville Collision Center on Lexington who assured me that there was no damage. To make sure he wasn’t just brushing me off, I went so far as to quipped, "The insurance company is paying via direct bill. Are you sure there isn’t anything you want to fix?" He explained in detail how my bumper was normal and that the car was structurally sound. "Can’t fix what’s not broken." Wow! Did we ever dodge a bullet! I feel horrible that the girl’s car got smashed in the parking lot while we waited for the police to arrive.

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What’s the right way to attribute a source?

I am loving this discussion. Bloggers, programmers, and geeks need to jump over and join in the fun!

Update: I wonder how many people are linking to Michael’s post. Jail Lail has linked to it. He even twittered it. Music City Bloggers have it covered. Has the NYT actually linked to it yet? If so, how did they attribute their story?
See also: Technorati and be sure to digg it.

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Hit from behind

We were on Lyons View Rd, where the wealthy houses are, and a garden truck backs into the road with the aid of a home owner motioning to stop traffic. I’m not going to drive through that large truck nor race around the back of it so I slow to a stop only to heard the dreaded squeal of tires. Some college girl decides she wants to park in the back of our van instead of the parking garage at the mall where she was heading. So much for the joyously good mood I was in. When I heard the tires I released the brake and accelerated a little so the impact was minor. I’m sure we will be sore and I am worried about the children but we turned down the ambulance and have decided not to see the doctors. The bumper hangs a little lower on the back right corner but it is almost unnoticeable. I heard the squeal. I just couldn’t find her in the rear view mirror. Something was wrong. I should have been able to see this coming and move out of the way!

She couldn't stopDamage not really noticableHe backs into her doorThe Benz made this dent in her car

We pulled into the Cherokee Bigotry Club because state law says if no one is hurt we clear the scene. Their big parking lot made sense. I point at some damage on her car and she says, "that’s from a different one." While waiting for the police to show up, a Mercedes Benz backs into the driver’s door of the college girl. That’s when I started looking for the cameras because surely this was a joke! After waiting a bit, the old guy in the Benz who owns a construction company doing work at the country club lectured us about being on private property and drove off. I took a moment to give him a few lecturing words of my own before he drove away.

Dammit. Now I have to spend the next 5 years berating myself and trying to figure out what I could have done differently to prevent this!

Update: I should add that when I called non-emergency I got no answer so I had to use 911 which the automated system put me on hold.

Update: Body shop said the bumper did its job and there is no damage to repair.

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Moan your IP address

Yesterday I mentioned a service that geographically tries to put your location on a map based on your IP address. An IP address uniquely identifies you (in some cases your network) on the Internet. If you are using a cable company or phone company for your Internet service, your IP address may periodically change. For privacy purposes or other reason you may want to know what the current address representing you.

As a side note, often the public IP address is simply that of the modem at your house. If you have a network behind that modem (which would be connected to the modem by a router), then the world will see all computers in your house as having the same IP address. Technically, the world thinks you have only one computer.

When I wanted to know my ip, I used to jump over to But never again! From now on, I want a sexy girl to moan my ip! When you go to your speakers need to be on. Although the voice might get you some looks, the site should be considered worksafe. If you are concerned, is absolutely worksafe.

Make sure your toolkit of bookmarks includes and

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Dane Cook has 2 million MySpace friends!

The details are in this video. Warning! Adult language and topics are breached.

Dane Cook Gets Two Millionith Friend – Watch more free videos

In the video:
Dane Cook
Jackie Dawn (see also: the real one)
Jon Lovitz
Bob Saget

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Consulting – The Hardest Way to Earn an Easy Living

Yesterday I wrote of how various interviews over the past 2 or 3 years have failed to produce anything but rejection. I have written about how consulting demands extra hours and how immigration laws impact me. Today I read about Scott’s views on consulting.

40 hours of programming a week is intense. Every company that hires people wants 40, at least. That leaves you sapped, unable to muster the will or strength to work on your own projects.

Working a real job is a win if you’re lazy, greedy, or unmotivated. If you’re average, you fit right in. And if you’re above average, the basic terms of employement and premise of the arrangement is against your interests.