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From the mouths of babes

Evan, quickly approaching 3 but already an expert: "OOH peein" (that’s open to the uninitiated) *squint* *grin* "peeeas" (that’d be please)
I think, "Aw, he’s so cute." Then Evan hands me a box of 24 Durex condoms. That’s a whole 2 year supply!
Dad: "A little young for those aren’t you?"

Of course, if you help contribute to the vasectomy fund , I can quit buying those things and think of ALL the oil that could be saved! The material itself, transportation, packaging, manufacturing equipment, and so forth. Snip me, save the planet! You know, if May 27 rolls around and we still only have a penny, I’m tempted to DIY this procedure while streaming it over ustream. I mean, how difficult could it be?

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Just a little off the top

I’ll be joining some blogging friends at Gentlemen’s Top Cuts tomorrow. I’ll also meet a blogger for the first time but I won’t be watching his procedure. Bet I hear it though!

Bloggers attending tomorrow:

Update: Between 10 A.M. and 1 P.M. Saturday and the GTC girls will give anyone a free car wash.

7425 Middlebrook Pike | Knoxville, TN 37909
get directions »

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Now my son DOES need a haircut!

In talking about Gentlemen’s Top Cuts in my post I don’t need a haircut but I’d sure enjoy my visit!, I failed to mention how they are conveniently located within walking distance of my son’s middle school. Now Noah NEEDS a haircut constantly. His hair grows like a weed. Noah is also a blogger! Judging by the porn Noah likes to surf (yes, he got busted and no he doesn’t do it anymore or at least he covers his footprints better) and how much longer it takes him to bathe now-a-days, I think Noah would very much enjoy GTC. Noah would probably even write a review and link to the GTC blog. Tommy on the other hand would not set foot in the building. I tried to get him to go to Hooter’s for lunch once and he said he’d stay in the car.

Would I seriously let Noah get his hair cut there? Sure! It is not a strip club. The site doesn’t say children are not allowed (now many spas do not allow children so that may change). And his friends would be all kinds of jealous! It’s just a barber shop with pretty barbers. After poking around the blog for a bit, I can tell they really are catering to men so I’m a little less sure. I spoke to GTC and they are family friendly. I doubt they’ll do a lot of family business. Now, Hooter’s does a huge family business (believe it or not!).

Update: Cathy points out that barber shops don’t generally offer "twig and berry" waxings. My description of "It’s just a barber shop with pretty barbers." could be a tad off base.

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How to have sex while 5 children are in the house

Someone has finally figured out how to have intimate moments without fear of scaring the minds of your youth by having them accidentally walk in on mom and dad being gross. See this worksafe link for the details. Via BoingBoing.


  • 1.25″ Polycarbonate Bulletproof Plating/Shielding
  • Bio-Chemical Filtered Ventilation
  • Rebreather
  • Control Panel Mode Selection (i.e., Basic System Ops., Intruder Setting, Energy Status, Lock Down, etc.)
  • Cover & Door Actuators w/ Emergency Release
  • One way see through head cover (reflective mirror on 2 sides and front)
  • Safety Features (Proximity Sensor, O2 Sensor, Smoke Det., Motion Det. Ect,)
  • Emergency Communication system (Cellular, Short-wave Radio, CB ect.)
  • Audio Amplifier (Amplify sound from out side unit)
  • Air/Water Tight Sealing
  • External Override Key Pad & Remote Control
  • Battery Backup Power
  • Toiletry system

Source, QSleeper

Please remember the vasectomy campaign!

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Dear Knoxville Pros

Somewhere on Reality Me or Domestic Psychology is the story of my indiscretions. Yes, I picked up a prostitute once and it became public. Well, I cannot pick you up anymore*. Unlike Dick Cheney’s wife, and Spitzer’s wife, my wife will not stand behind me.

What’s the difference between a computer consultant and a prostitute?

Slate asks why is prostitution illegal?

*I can’t find the post relating the story, so for those that missed it, I was working late downtown once. It was about midnight when I pulled up to a traffic light at Summit Avenue and Gay Street (thank you Knoxville for allowing me to use the words prostitute and gay in the same post) in the Jeep with the top down. A lady walks up and asks for a ride. Being a nice guy, I let her in. Half a block later it has become blatantly evident that I was being very naive and I was politely telling her to get out. I suppose, for the sake of knowledge, I should have at least asked, "how much?"

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Not in America! And Only in Knoxville…

Does that suit drive you nuts? Would you like to be a little more casual? Perhaps the Audrey Underwear company is for you.

The Audrey Underwear company in Taiwan asked it’s 500 women employs in the firms head quarters to come to work in camisoles and knickers to celebrate record sales. … More than 90% of female workers reportedly went along with the spirit of the day and worked in their underwear. [Source]

This takes Half-nekkid Thursdays to a new level!

And Knoxville shows its butt on the news with a woman who wants her butt implants removed: – Watch more free videos

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Your children will do mortifyingly stupid acts

Life is a comedy; And your children are the comedians!

The girls never do this. Several years ago we stood on a cold soccer field to watch our child play a team sport. The parents lined one side of the rectangular field and the coaches and children, who were not currently on the field, lined the other side of the field. There was a port-a-potty in the parking lot but the children found it easier to slip into the woods behind them when their tiny bladders needed relief. You would see a constant stream (pun intended) of traffic in and out of the woods. Now I have a child who excels at minimal effort. This child has taken, not laziness, but using the path of least resistance to an art form! So there we sit on the sidelines with the grandparents, our friends, neighbors, and strangers–perhaps 50-60 in all. My son is on the sidelines at exactly the halfway point of the field. He spins around and without taking a step whizzes into the weeds. Everyone on our side of the field is staring at him simply by nature of watching the game! They’d have to turn their chairs around to not see the golden arch emanating from my child’s crotch. Girls don’t do this! Or perhaps they do and are simply more subtle or I’m oblivious.

You would think over the years either my child or I would have learned. He continues to hone his least resistance skills constantly finding new ways to make the minimal effort. Mind you, that does not mean he does poor work.

Some people see Boy Scouts as a paramilitary, religious organization; I see Boy Scouts as a character building, skill teaching, adventure seeking organization. During our open and closings of our meetings, the adults line one wall and the scouts line another wall. That puts roughly 17-24 boys ranging from 11 to 18 years old facing 6-15 adults. We had good numbers at this last meeting and there is my son, on the fifty.

I’ll let you in on a male secret. Things shift. They shrink. They grow. They move around. They get pinched in the folds of underwear or find themselves in other uncomfortable places. Re-adjustment becomes necessary! And if pain is involved, sometimes, hastily. Just because "he" dresses right doesn’t mean he’s always dressed. Guys have developed techniques for dealing with these situations. Some blatantly grab the outside of their pants and adjust but try to cover by making a mafiosi, Eddie Murphy, or Michael Jackson reference. Most guys start of by trying some hands off, Elvis style hip shaking to see if things will naturally fall back into place. If both of these fail, we resort to using the pockets. The one pocket approach is typically fine but to be certain that the issue is resolved and resolved quickly, the two pocket approach is preferred. Both hands are shoved deeply into the pants pockets. This looks like we are simply cold and trying to warm our hands, and perhaps our elbows. Search and rescue teams are sent out and our friend in need is located. The hand who finds our friend quickly sets to work repositioning using a backboard if necessary. Typically we shoot for a centering then let gravity find the perfect resting place. The other hand lay in wait in case we overshoot or gravity finds us in another pinch. The whole process is about as subtle as Mark Roberts at Wembley. However, when done correctly, to an observer it should look like we’ve simply lost our keys.

During our Boy Scout meeting closing, solemn things are being said and I see my son do the double dive. Both hands in pockets. Bulging knuckles clearly removed from anywhere keys would fall. Oh no! He’s picked up the bat and is playing pocket ball with all adult eyes in his direction! Puberty has turned off his brain! Get the crash cart! I am fairly certain that when the Scout Master said to stand at attention that is not what he meant! What to do? Talk to all the Scouts about the 12 laws and how grabbing yourself in public probably breaks all of them? No. Must be more subtle. Telepathy! I give him a quick stare down and remarkably his eyes meet mine. It worked! My lecture about "happy time" being private silently permeated the air and he got the message. He removes his hands from his pockets and Dad pockets a story to pull out at dinner time which is guaranteed to have milk squirting from noses. Now how’s that lesson go? Oh yes, "if you shake it more than twice, you’re playing with it."

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Morning Sex Is Like Russian Roulette

Warning! Turn your virgin eyes away! The following allegory alludes to one of the three taboo subjects which should never be discussed outside the walls of your own home. I happen to be typing this from within the confirms of those walls so its kind of okay. Today’s taboo subject is sex! As for the other taboo subjects, I posted about drugs on Friday and post about politics far too much.

What guy doesn’t dream of his daily alarm clock being a beautiful nymphomaniac using the bed as a trampoline while yelling "ride ’em cowgirl!"? Guys in late high school and throughout their college years love to joke about their morning wood. But these young turks are single and naive for it is not morning "wood." The term is "morning would." Because you would if you could but you can’t because if you try you die. It’s similar to the praying mantis

"Placing them in the same jar, the male, in alarm, endeavoured to escape. In a few minutes the female succeeded in grasping him. She first bit off his front tarsus, and consumed the tibia and femur. Next she gnawed out his left eye…it seems to be only by accident that a male ever escapes alive from the embraces of his partner" Leland Ossian Howard, Science, 1886. [Source, The Female Praying Mantis: Sexual Predator or Misunderstood by Michele Doughty See also, You Give Love A Bad Name]

Or perhaps the spider.

in over 60% of cases the female then eats the male. [Source]

So in the morning when you arise, just observe your wife in her restful bliss, put the gun down, and go, uh, read the newspaper.

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From the mouths of babes

Noah: "Health ended today."
Dad: "Oh? Did you have sex education?"
Noah: "Sorta."
Dad: "Did they talk to you about boy parts and girl parts?"
Noah: "They talked about boy parts. I missed the day they talked about girl parts."
Dad: "Sex education was only two days?!"